Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Isabella can hear the break.
A crack that splits evenly and smoothly down the middle.
Each half precisely even in its own right.
A child would have no need to deliberate over which to choose; simply choose either or.
A gasp releases from her mouth, over her lips before her brain gives any signal to do so.
Her heart is breaking and there is nothing to do but let it go.
She has been here before. There is pain and then relief.
A good friend has come to sit next to her and Isabella welcomes the heartache.
It is familiar and it knows her, believes in her and holds her hand like no other can or will.
The smell of the heartache is not sweet yet not bitter. An acid taste rests on her tongue, lingeres and then sinks inside her.
Through the shearing pain of this once again known event, Isabella makes a decision, a conclusion and rips off the band aid to expose her wound.
As a hamster finally sees the ground below the wheel and leaps with faith not knowing why only that the current round and round has to stop.
Isabella speaks, wait whispers to the emptry white room, "this is the last time we shall be together you and I"
She kicks the heartache to the curb, steps on it, turns and walks away with back to it for good.
Not one more day, one more hour shall Isabella consume her soul to it even if in eternity she is all alone.
One final gurgle of rotten liquid rises up from her stomach, passes along her throat as a speeding train escaping a dark city and then it silently floats, slinks out to the blue green water of the bay.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Oh i love it! Enjoy all!
This is what life does. It lets you walk up to the store to buy breakfast and the paper, on a stiff knee. It lets you choose the way you have your eggs, your coffee. Then it sits a fisherman down beside you at the counter who says, Last night,the channel was full of starfish. And you wonder, is this a message, finally, or just another day?Life lets you take the dog for a walk down to the pond, where whole generations of biological processes are boiling beneath the mud. Reeds speak to you of the natural world: they whisper, they sing. And herons pass by. Are you old enough to appreciate the moment? Too old? There is movement beneath the water, but it may be nothing. There may be nothing going on. And then life suggests that you remember the years you ran around, the years you developed a shocking lifestyle, advocated careless abandon, owned a chilly heart. Upon reflection, you are genuinely surprised to find how quiet you have become. And then life lets you go home to think about all this. Which you do, for quite a long time. Later, you wake up beside your old love, the one who never had any conditions, the one who waited you out. This is life's way of letting you know thatyou are lucky. (It won't give you smart or brave, so you'll have to settle for lucky.) Because you were born at a good time. Because you were able to listen when people spoke to you. Because you stopped when you should have and started again. So life lets you have a sandwich, and pie for your late night dessert. (Pie for the dog, as well.) And then life sends you back to bed, to dreamland,while outside, the starfish drift through the channel, with smiles on their starry faces as they headout to deep water, to the far and boundless sea.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Deux Chance
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Grateful indeed!
Get out of my head!

Definition of HB #2