You can go home.
Yet like every choice
there are consequences.
The hidden thoughts,
unspoken languages
all exist just beneath
the skin surface.
Emerging at morning coffee,
slipping out at the hour of scotch.
look how %$^&*@! skinny I look! excellent!
Ok now to the goods...this picture is from an open mic that a fun crew from the Shore of Virginia jetted to last week in Virginia Beach. The locaton? The Holiday Food Mart. A convenience store and gas station. It was great. You walk into a very nice convenience store, turn to your right and there is an entire stage, audience area set up and rearing to go. Better set up than most comedy clubs I have seen in a while! It was fantastic. The crew that runs it was so welcoming and warm and fun to hang with. I highly recommend any entertainer or audience member checking it out. Our crew from the shore shined. I thought we might be superstars but this gig comfirmed it. Our numero uno roadie and groupie Mr. Chris was there as well cheering and getting buds!
Not only that but it was a new and learning experience for this comedian. For some reason I had planned to do all of my blue aka dirty jokes or anything with a swear word in it stuff. I have no clue as to why I thought this was the right thing to do. For some reason I just assumed that, "hey I am going to VA Beach to do comedy so I MUST do dirty material" So naturally we get there and guess who is in the audience? Kids. Young ones. And not young men in their early 20's that I like to call kids and that I am totally attracted to and know that yes in some states it is illegal but not so much in Virginia sort of kids! Ha. Wait, 24 is legal in all states yes? Ok good.
Ok so it is time to adjust. Into action I go. A good test. Luckily I had already sampled a few Sierra Nevadas on the ride over (I love you SN!) so the brain was a pumping! Side note: Key word in that last sentence being RIDE. I rode over to the beach. Ok back to it! I adjusted material and only said one bad word so overall a fine job came out of it.
The moral of this tale? When going to a convenience store to do comedy be sure to plan for any INconveniences you may incur. Or rather is it, be sure to always have a back up plan - in comedy and in life!
Peace and all that crap.
I woke this dawn
your face, your eyes
finally you've moved out.
You're fading and
the smell of your skin,
a scent I can only now see
drifts away in wisps outside my window.
Your aroma lingers no more inside my nose.
My mind catches itself not pondering you
and a smile releases itself across my face.
Your reflection in a rain shower runs down a hill.
A touch once desired forgotten as if from an old movie.
I am free and alone.