Last week, Wednesday night after a night out, I cut my hair...again. I am not sure why I find such rejuvenation in this activity. It empowers me. No I am not pulling a "Brittany" - I just made that up by the by and I want credit when it comes out in the future on "Hollywood buzz look at me and all the crazy shit I did today" blog or whatever one of those sites is named...I have plenty of hair left on my head and perhaps Brittany knows or realizes what I have come to embrace - it grows back. Ah there it is...the source of empowerment.
Here is what I really wanted to tell you this morning:
When talking with my mom this morning, hair down for the first time since the butchering ahem the trim of last week, (which I have to admit was a lot of fun - having a secret like that), she kept staring at my hair, no eye contact. I know this maneuver, this action quite well from past experiences all throughout childhood. Not so much disapproval more of confusion and curiousity. So I said, interrupting my ownself mid sentence, "don't worry I am just letting it dry, I am going to put it up when I get to work."
She then snorted out, "Oh I don't care. Just why don't you get someone professional to cut it? I don't get it."
"I am going to mom, this girl at work cuts hair and she is going to do it" I replied outloud while thinking in the head, or not, not sure if that will happen or not...maybe. I continued, "but really I just don't care to tell the truth" and audience truthfully? I don't. And not in a "oh my life is awful and I have given up" way at all. Just a plain, down and dirty "have not put any thought or time into thinking on it so therefore not worried on it" sort o thang.
She then ended it by saying, well I had to go anyway - coffee in hand, car keys a jangling and uneven hair a drying and all..."well", she slipped in, "but you just don't want to go around looking like someone or you cut your hair with a razor blade!" She did laugh after she said this last statement, which was comforting for some reason.
The funny thing is, the reality of it all is I don't care. I am one of the few in this country, or so it feels and I don't have any actual evidence to prove this feeling I possess so it is just my own view really, that does not care about hair! It just appears to me to be something not to be concerned about.
I'm just saying...
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