not that i am hoping they will sponser my next show or anything or perhaps a mysterious check appears in my mail but how about Zicam? Anyone, anyone? My mom has been telling me for over a year, "you got to take the zicam" [picture Elaine from Seinfeld, "you got to see the baby!"] and for that timeframe i have for no reason but that she is my mama, said, "no no whatever" and not used it. then proceeded to get sick from my allergies, be in bed for days, cough up god knows what (and neither do i. i mean if he doesn't know how could i possibly?), and basically feel and look like ultra crap. Last night i started to feel el yucko. Sore throat, stuffed up nose, achy body (assumed at first it was from being out of shape and pretending to be so this last weekend in flag football), and watering eyes. In enters the mama..."you got to take the zicam, i am telling you it works and it is a miracle" Ok ok i will try it. You have to place it up your nose, squirt it, and then inhale. A reason unknown to me and i am sure god as well why this was a difficult feat for me. After multiple tries and then finally application by my MOTHER (many giggles throughout the process) some of the Zicam actually got into my nose passage...passage (S)? And i got to tell you...started to feel better well actually just did not feel worse, get worse. i proceeded to pump that magic juice up my nose passages (made a decision to make em plural...i don't need no stinkin committee) every 4 hours throughout the rest of the evening and the night. This morning? I don't feel tip top, 100% but i got to proclaim, "i feel decent and not sick!" i am killing the allergy cold before it comes fully on and it feels fantastic. i am a soldier in a never ending war and i vow to win this time! So i say to you kids out there as this wishy washy up and down cold hot weather continues on and seems to not be letting go..."You got to take the Zicam at the first feelings of being sick or allergy onset!" [now picture Elaine saying, "Maybe the dingo ate your baby! i said the dingo ate your baby!"] Ok now i got to go squirt it up. Ut oh what if i get addicted? Ah, another entry, later, much later.
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