been sort of out of it over the last not posting as regular as i would prefer and as my head works. lots of stuff moving around in there but not been able to get it to my fingers, to then the blog site. this morning as i sit in the cape charles coffee shop on my second cup o joe waiting for my friend sophia to join me i had a flash of something that happened to me last week that i want to share. it was so small, so fast in occuring that i think my little brain tucked it away without truly reflecting upon it - not sure if the event has any significance or not...more than likely not as most small, beautiful events tend to significance needed as things can just happen and be left at that.
i attended a church service last week, a service at night, that my pop played with his bluegrass band at...for easter. it was very nice, laid back, a nice small intimate crowd...just the way i like to pray, be a part of a church. the band played a few songs, we sang, and then the pastor said a few words and made us laugh. nice. we then took communion. since it was a small not in the regular schedule of services there were not the lovely ladies standing in the isle to direct us up to the alter to take part in the communion. therefore, i was not sure when to go, i waited for others to go and then i was one of the last to get up there. by the time i got up there i had missed the wafer distribution, the body as they say, and i was sort of not sure what to do. i got down my knees as you do, put out my hands and started to think on what to do. do i ask him for a wafer as he comes back around with the wine, the blood of christ, and it is ackward or do i skip it and do only the blood part but what would then happen? i mean if i don't do the entire process is that bad, would it not work, not take? this all happening in about 20 seconds! ah! when i then felt a tap on the shoulder from behind. i turned and there was a nice looking older man there, smiling at me. he then proceeded to break his wafer in half and hand me one of the halves. i took it and turned just in time to be in perfect position to receive a sip of wine - it was perfect. i said a few words of thanks to the alter and then headed back to my seat in the pew. before i made it back i was crying...and smiling. this man gave me half of his body and it made me full. we sang two more songs in which i continued to cry through - not wails mind you, just soft flowing, quiet tears of happiness and appreciation. service ended, we gave peace and then we had some homemade soup and bread in the parish house. that is it, really. any meaning to it? i don't know. I do however know it was a simple, pleasant and unexpected occurance in a place i'd not been in some time. and that in itself, all alone, has significance. way more than this one can put into words, blog entry or speech. so i say goodbye for today and wish that peace be with you.
Monday, March 17, 2008
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Quote of the week....I had to
"I saw them. There were four of them and I thought there are four of us, that is if we find the lady. Oh, Hello Lady!" - Fezzik, aka Andre The Giant, Princess Bride
Yes it's hot NOW, but in the fall it will be cool and you will need me more than ever!
for now!
Till this chica gets settled in the blog name stays the with it! still posting but now OFF SHORE! I am working on my website so look for that soon...
A simple act of kindness! How beautiful. All is not lost in humanity - made me cry too!
Miss you already,
The simple act of kindness! Beautiful! All is not lost in humanity. Tears for me too!
Miss you already,
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