Quote for Thursday, July 17th
"That would be a good thing for them to carve on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment” - Dorothy Parker
wow oh wow i slept great last night! Only 6 hours, which actually is a lot for me. It was that sort of sleep where you sleep so solidly, so like in a dream state - not dreaming - and you wake up, sort of, once and think oh no is it really 4:40am? You look and it is something like 1:45am...YES! So excellent. this no hooch dealo is really working well so far. my body feels so rested! by the way, you all know that when this one says, "NO, none, zip zilch" she means "one per day"? Hey me and the cold turkey have never been friends. Wait, don't smirk or call me a player...yet...Because i set in motion the idea in my head, in my routine NO booze for these two weeks I have been very conscious of it all and only HAD one drink a day. And that is the truth! I had a glass of wine Monday night (mostly to clear it out so not to be tempted! - ah...logic may not be my friend either), one beer Tuesday night, half a beer last night (it was skunky smelling so I tossed half of it out), and this eve I will have one drink...my brother's new bar is opening so I have to celebrate with him. Technically not his bar as in ownership, name on legal documents, large amount of money invested into...but his sweat and many tears definitely into it and that often counts more, in my book!
Then it is operation "michelle and her The Monti Story" for the weekend. Eat, breath, drink and sleep my story I am telling on Tuesday, July 22nd at The Monti in Chapel Hill.
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