I have decided the following:
1. this birthday, soon upon me, is the birthday where now i am forever here on out to remain the age I am now...or I am whatever age people tell me I am.
2. that it is very cool when a dude you like calls you sug or babe.
3. i will never get enough sleep
4. i love facebook
5. it is ok that i record Bad Girls reality show - they really are not that bad. Just bad at not drinking too much and getting in fights, getting kicked out of bars in LA. But hey what is youth for anyway?
6. even when i don't "nail" a performance i still really love being up there in front of the mic
7. my current lip gloss feels like fly paper on my lips and I am hesitant about wearing it outside of the office...
8. bacon cheeseburgers ARE always a good idea
9. i simply cannot go out and have just ONE beer. Not 12 necessarily, but never just ONE. I was good last night. Had three and was in bed by midnight.
10. i love hot water
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