Thursday, May 14, 2009

I ate today, so therefore I am...

A banana
Many grapes
A little dish of tuna fish salad
half a small bag of fritos (I threw away the rest...wasteful yet better in the trash can than in, ah on my tummy)
10 sesame low fat crackers or it was a piece of paper, not sure
1 medium cup of coffee with a whisper of half and half

and for dinner? ice cream cone, no booze, seltzer water, and The Office

Is it Friday yet?

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Quote of the week....I had to

"I saw them. There were four of them and I thought there are four of us, that is if we find the lady. Oh, Hello Lady!" - Fezzik, aka Andre The Giant, Princess Bride

Yes it's hot NOW, but in the fall it will be cool and you will need me more than ever!

Yes it's hot NOW, but in the fall it will be cool and you will need me more than ever!
I am back at ESO to do some comedy; all me, all alone, well there will be beer and wine! October 18th, 7:30pm...stay tuned!

for now!

Till this chica gets settled in the blog name stays the with it! still posting but now OFF SHORE! I am working on my website so look for that soon...