Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It happened this last weekend...

entry numero uno (which would denote more to come)
A wedding. A cermony took place. Vows exchanged. Rings traded and secured on fingers. Pictures snapped even a few tears dropped. The DJ spun tunes, lyrics were shouted out, doin the butt dance was done, wine poured, beer chugged, cake cut, a fork won, and of course...if you were at this particular New York wedding with me this last weekend; the Hamburger Beater came to life!

What is the HB (which it will now be referred to as from here on out) you dare ask? Or did I just ask that? Or am I hearing voices?

No voices but my own just the recovery from 15 Sam Adams, 3 Kamikazie shots, A piece of chicken and 2 tomatoes, a combination of 11 hours of sleep over a three day period, 10 Coors Lights, 3 Budweisers, one fourth of a hamburger from the Elbow Room, 4 bites of wedding cake, 6 sips of a Diet Coke, 7 bites of a spicy hot pork chinese plate, 1 Blue Moon beer with what I am pretty sure was a rotten orange slice, half of a BLT, 1 bottle of Smart water (if you have to ask then you are not well..ah how do I say this nicely? Not smart), a cup of coffee, seven hours of sitting on my ass driving from New York back to the Eastern Shore, and...wait where was I?
Yes, the HB. Wait, what was that noise? oh my boss is here. Got to go...I will be back later to continue on and tell you all about the HB as well as other tidbits from what I now will call...

"My Wedding weekend extravaganza!" It was superb, amazing even.

Till later...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Nice to meet you

My name is Tess.
At times I can be a mess.
I like peppermint patty candy,
my mama doesnt know this but they make me randy.
I speak when I think a stranger is about,
I want you to know with me people must have clout.
I am a funny little creature that is for sure,
Once I get in your blood there is no cure!
Yeah that is right my name is Tess.
I am the queen of dogs no more and no less!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hey you...and you know who you are!

this is Jeremy Piven...oh la la...now do you see it?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This could be me! Go listen to me and make it so! It was fun and finally got me off of my ASS to start doing what I really want to do...well besides Jeremy Piven of course! Peace people, just peace.

Go to http://www.publicradioquest.com/ search on tiny talk. I think you have to sign up to vote. I appreciate it.

Monday, May 14, 2007

What do I miss?

I just went to NYC for the weekend. My first time back since my move to the Eastern Shore of Virginia a mere 8 months ago. Wow. It was fun. I expected it to be sad and it was the opposite. It was exciting, validating, reassuring. I had made the right move afterall at just the right exact time I needed to. It was fantastic. I went down to the west village and crashed on into one of my old stomping grounds. A bar called Fiddlesticks; to have one beverage, one beer, to use the bathroom. Four hours, four beers and four conversations with a cute Irish bartender later and all was as it should be! I then headed to Corner Bistro - by far the best hamburger in the city. Munched on a huge burger and sipped a McSorleys, read my Vanity Fair and just had a lovely time. Then off to the Art Bar on 8th ave before heading to midtown, west side of it to meet with old NYC friends and more beverage. I sat at the Art bar alone. There was a hustle bustle all around me, it was packed with people out celebrating the weekend to come and all seemed high on happy - afterall it was Friday early evening in the greatest city in the world. I was sitting there alone and yet I was so far from alone. I soaked it all in. Me there, the city...hey it was all still going on and going on strong and vibrant without me. It hit me. The only thing I had missed about this brilliant city, for it is and I highly recommend everyone living there at least once in their lives, was that I missed Asian food! Thai, Chinese, etc...A major problem with a simple solution. Saturday dinner? Thai. Sunday lunch? Vietnamese. All good. All set. Now back to the Eastern Shore of Virginia...after a quick rest stop in up state New York! I am where I want to be for now and damn it Gumby that feels great. And when I am not I shall move on.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Sierra Series Entry #3


Ode to the Special Ones
Speciality Drafts oh you are so special
Speciality drafts so special are you
Ah Crap titles are too hard, just write the poem!

Oh my India Pale Ale you are so divine.
Your blended English malts go down my throat so fine.
Goldings for your finishing and dry hopping create a perfect sensation.
You are so flavorful and much better than a play station.

Then there is the traditional dark and flavorful Brown Ale.
With your blend of roasted and carmalized malts to my heart you do so sail!
Oh my your renowned British aromatic goldings hop send me in a whirl.
Your delightful malt character turns me right back into a little girl (say like mike Meyers)

But wait shall I dare to discuss the filtered wheat beer Crystal Wheat?
Barley malt and wheat all mixed into one oh dear oh what a treat!
A clean finish that is just to die for.
A great choice for brew novices, in other words not good for a whore.

I have to say at times I am partial to the Blonde Ale [pause, look]
A mild pale colored specimen excites me to no avail.
Possessing the Maris Otter English malt and hops from Slovenia.
I have no idea what any of that is but alas I have to say it makes me pop a veinia!

Oh then we come to the popular English Best Bitter Ale.
Such praise for itself, such confidence creating of drinkers a long trail.
Brewed using only imported malts and hops.
So very drinkable and much loved by firemen and cops.

The best for last I can now say not in a whisper or a yell.
The unfiltered ale known as Ruthless Weiss Beer for now I will tell.
A fermented ale with only special wheat beer yeast and clove like spiciness.
Contains vanilla, nutmeg, even a reminiscent of bananas and apples creating no crankiness!

Those are dem, the special ones the ones I love no matter what!
Six lovely specials, such treats they often do give me a little tingle in the butt!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My plans for this week & weekend...and you did

Come join me, please!
Two fun shows on the Eastern Shore to attend:
MAY 2ND, 2007
6 PM to 10PM

Festivities begin early for Cinco de Mayo at The Chesapeake in Cape Charles!
Celebrate this favorite of Mexican holidays with us.
I will be doing about 2o minutes of funny.
2. Music at Kelly's in Cape Charles
An evening of "Fingerstyle" guitar by Keith Mack
Keith was an original member of Patty Smyth & Scandal
Toured with Joe Cocker and Paul Young!
I have the honor of hosting this excellent night of music!
Come listen, laugh and drink some lovely import beer.

Today is your day so get on your way!

Today is May Day, a day on which you should wash your face with morning dew to keep yourself looking young and beautiful. You should also gather wildflowers and green branches, make some floral garlands, and set up a Maypole to dance around.
eat two slim jims, some munchos, drink a litre of diet coke and fall asleep on the couch at noon.
Up to you. That is the point.

Quote of the week....I had to

"I saw them. There were four of them and I thought there are four of us, that is if we find the lady. Oh, Hello Lady!" - Fezzik, aka Andre The Giant, Princess Bride

Yes it's hot NOW, but in the fall it will be cool and you will need me more than ever!

Yes it's hot NOW, but in the fall it will be cool and you will need me more than ever!
I am back at ESO to do some comedy; all me, all alone, well there will be beer and wine! October 18th, 7:30pm...stay tuned!

for now!

Till this chica gets settled in the blog name stays the same...deal with it! still posting but now OFF SHORE! I am working on my website so look for that soon...