A wedding. A cermony took place. Vows exchanged. Rings traded and secured on fingers. Pictures snapped even a few tears dropped. The DJ spun tunes, lyrics were shouted out, doin the butt dance was done, wine poured, beer chugged, cake cut, a fork won, and of course...if you were at this particular New York wedding with me this last weekend; the Hamburger Beater came to life!
What is the HB (which it will now be referred to as from here on out) you dare ask? Or did I just ask that? Or am I hearing voices?
No voices but my own just the recovery from 15 Sam Adams, 3 Kamikazie shots, A piece of chicken and 2 tomatoes, a combination of 11 hours of sleep over a three day period, 10 Coors Lights, 3 Budweisers, one fourth of a hamburger from the Elbow Room, 4 bites of wedding cake, 6 sips of a Diet Coke, 7 bites of a spicy hot pork chinese plate, 1 Blue Moon beer with what I am pretty sure was a rotten orange slice, half of a BLT, 1 bottle of Smart water (if you have to ask then you are not well..ah how do I say this nicely? Not smart), a cup of coffee, seven hours of sitting on my ass driving from New York back to the Eastern Shore, and...wait where was I?
Yes, the HB. Wait, what was that noise? oh my boss is here. Got to go...I will be back later to continue on and tell you all about the HB as well as other tidbits from what I now will call...
"My Wedding weekend extravaganza!" It was superb, amazing even.
Till later...
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