what am i thankful for this christmas eve and truly all year round yet often forget or don't stop to reflect on it, even jot it down?
McDonalds french fries, Chesterfield Ale, sushi, willingness to try new things including romantic relationships (even if not romantic, technically), the girls; tash, heather, deb and beth, my accident prone brother, dolan, dr. daddy, ramona, rosemary, and thyme, (hee), mix cds (of course it use to be tapes), chewy sprees, mole sauce, texas pete, flavored creamer, stilton cheese, peach colored nail polish, watching instantly feature within Netflix service, the bell that tolls on the bank, humorous people, sierra nevada ale, at this time of year sierra nevada celebration ale, skipjack nuts made by blue crab bay (cause i worked there for the season and they were free!), unexpected good drunk sex, live music - good live music, seeing a good friend after a long separation, dancing with my eyes closed, finding 5 bucks in a pants pocket long forgotten, chilled iceberg chilled martinis straight up with olives, scrapple (if you have to ask then you don't understand), a book that makes me laugh and cry all in one sitting, freshly laundered sweatpants, a surprising moving film, sleeping in and waking up by no alarm, my mom, my pop, thanksgiving, snow when i am snuggled in bed reading, drinking white wine, oh oh red wine, laughing so hard my stomach hurts, my life, and most of all...the knowledge it is never too late, always options out there and it is up to me to get into something so therefore i can get out of it! Happy Holidays Ya'll. Be safe, have fun, rejoice and be merry...very merry indeed.
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