Quote for Monday, June 30th - the last day of June...for a while that is!
“I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one” - Mark Twain
"bummer. shitty. unbelievable. stunned. weird." - Michelle, aka Me, reading of this news from Sunday.
I originally said there would be more later...that was a few hours ago. In those hours no new words, insights or revelations really have popped into my head about George Carlin's death. Nothing radical to say, to write lingering on my lips, at the tip of my chewed cuticle bearing fingers. Only one thought that keeps running over and over in my head, "it just doesn't make sense." Its like he is one of those people out there I thought would never die. I do realize that that thought is not based in reality. Still it is a thought that keeps running through my head. I just think he is that sort of person, could never die...and so that has thrown me for a loop. I am not delusional. Just having a delusional thought. There is a difference between being delusional and having a delusional thought. Take my word for it...that is based in fact. Sort of like the difference between skiing and being a skier...
I've read a few other blogs on George today. For as one can imagine, I expected, the comedy world is all a flurry and 100s, 1000s, millions of people are out there today busy posting on this subject. The ones I read so far, all different in content yet similar - enough - in theme or message; sad.
I ran into someone over lunch and we chatted on it for a few minutes. I told him my thought and how I was feeling. That I am in shock and just felt he was one person I thought would never die. I added that I knew that to be a silly emotion, delusional. See it is not so much that I feel sad it is that I feel weird and disoriented. And don't know why or actually if that is how I feel...as my friend walked away to go eat his lunch he did say something to me that makes sense and I feel does sum it up, explains a little bit how I do feel.
He said, "Oh no I do understand what you mean, get what you are saying. It's like the world feels like less of a place I want to be in now that he is dead."
Yep. That sounds just about Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits right!
see, http://www.erenkrantz.com/Humor/SevenDirtyWords.shtml, for George's original comedy routine on the Seven Dirty Words