Quote for Thursday, June 5th:
"When a dude in a pick up truck drives by you at the bus stop and honks his horn, smiles and waves at you does that mean he wants to date you or is he only acting out a scene from a movie he just saw?" - Michelle Maclay
good morning kids. hope all is well in your little worlds. i am back in the office world...in a hospital office world technically. I like my new job. I like the people I work with yet I have noticed that the married kids in my office, and I have to say in any office I have ever resided in, have some perks that us single kids do not have access to. This does not make me bitter. I just want the same rights. Example? If one is married and has kids one can say to their manager, boss man or lady (all equal employers I have worked for), "ah yes I have to leave at 4pm today to pick up my kids at daycare and they look down on me, frown you might say if I am late and they have to wait." Now you would never hear a single person say to their boss man, lady, "so yeah ah I have to leave at 4pm today to go meet my bartender at my local pub to get smashed and he looks down on me, frown you might say if I am late and he has to wait."
I am sure there are some perks available only, morally and legally, to single kids that are not to the married ones. Like being able to attend formal functions or any event and take a different date each time, sleep with them and then not have to go visit in-laws for Thanksgiving...and others that are not coming to mind. As Chris Rock says, “You are either married and bored or single and lonely.” It is good to be one and or the other for different reasons. The good news and why I am truly in the cat bird seat? I am single now, at times a tad lonely but mostly simply alone, but someday I shall be married and bored. Wait a minute that is good news? Ok so then the goal is to not be lonely when single and not be bored once married? I can do that. Oh look there is my manager, my boss lady, “Hey yeah I need to head out early today…
I am sure there are some perks available only, morally and legally, to single kids that are not to the married ones. Like being able to attend formal functions or any event and take a different date each time, sleep with them and then not have to go visit in-laws for Thanksgiving...and others that are not coming to mind. As Chris Rock says, “You are either married and bored or single and lonely.” It is good to be one and or the other for different reasons. The good news and why I am truly in the cat bird seat? I am single now, at times a tad lonely but mostly simply alone, but someday I shall be married and bored. Wait a minute that is good news? Ok so then the goal is to not be lonely when single and not be bored once married? I can do that. Oh look there is my manager, my boss lady, “Hey yeah I need to head out early today…
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