Quote of the day for Thursday, June 19th
"Baby, even the losers get lucky sometimes." - Mr. Tom Petty
Nothing really to report today. My boss is out of the office and I am actually working...well not right now but outside of now I am, I am, I mean it. It is Thursday. I love Thursdays. More so than Wednesdays. Such potential and possibility does Thursday possess. What am I yoda now? Sometimes when I wake up in the morning and first look in the mirror I see yoda. But then after a hot shower, lots of age defying (yes, I am taking a stand on something!) lotion and some valuable Almay cover up, I look like me, only older. Better looking, I think, honestly, but older none the less. An older more mature better looking me. I ain't complaining...about this.
Worked my first shift last night at The Dead Mule Club - see this link for history, story of the dead mule http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C06E4D71F3AF930A25755C0A96E958260
very interesting and routed in where I now live and work!
and this first shift, this first time was fun, profitable and simply good.
Not sure about the rest of you but not three things I have been known to say after a first experience doing "something". Not many virgin experiences left.
As my best guy friend from college use to say, "I am a virgin every time my friend"
Pleads a true case for it really is how one CHOOSEs to see life, situations and their sexual history.
I am back there again this eve just to help out for a few hours. Mr. Ben Jones is there signing his new book. Mr. Ben is best known for his Cooter character (that was the character's name, ahem) on the Dukes of Hazzard televison show that ran from 1979 to 1985 - possibly one of my favorite shows in a whirlwind time period of good television shows!
His book is called, Redneck Boy in the Promised Land Confessions of "Crazy Cooter"
Check him out at http://www.cootersplace.com/- He has lived quite a life to date and is a still rockin on. He went to school here in Chapel Hill and hung out at an historic yet no longer there drug store called Jeffs for many of his wild years. I remember my pops telling tons of stories of Cooter, Aka Ben Jones, for he truly was, at that time, Cooter! They were good pals back in the day. Cooter says when he was a drinking, he has since become sober, he estimates he consummed around 48,000 beers...and other substances....I am sure my pop shared in a few of those beers...Anyway...if you live here come by the DMC and say, "hey", grab a drink and pick some pig. Like I said, Thursdays is just brimming with possibilies and I am filled with potential!
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