comment on something. I heard on the radio today, cause the radio is the source of all good things, that Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock are filing for divorce after only four months. I didn't want to comment on this on my blog but I just cannot help it. It calls me. What I could absolutely not bring myself to do was put a picture of Pamela or Kid (I don't actually know them but I am comfortable enough in my skin to call them by their first names) on the blog. That I just cannot do. So four months huh? Well they gave it a shot. What? That is the commitment example going out there today? Insane. Insanity. This is not a new and revolutionary commentary I know, it is just mine. As a single gal this does cut to the bone. As someone diving into the deep end to try to figure out why she is single. One who is exploring how it all works and what she can do to make it work, this hurts. What work went on to make the marriage last? I just cannot see any from this perspective. I do not know them but nothing can take place, get done, redone, fixed, helped and recovered after only four months. How about taking four months to think about why you got married in the first place? Or take four months to think about why you should stay married? What a waste and quite frankly a slap in the face to me. An odd commentary now I think. Yet still mine. It is easy to find "love". To locate lust. For me at least. What is hard or complex for me is sustaining it. Making it work. But I want to. And when one hears of such non chalance, such ambivilance, such lack of effort...well it just hurts, insults and truly angers. I don't care if this is irrational or crazed on my part. I am angry. At myself? Yes of course. Is it anybody's fault? No. Just angry. I'm just saying...
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