A good friend of mine just asked me, "Who are these freaks that live in this country with us? It's a mystery"..."Who do you mean?", I replied. "These people lining up at 3am to buy shit, the mall parking lots are packed already all across the U.S.!" She came back at me with. Good question. Who are these people? "Must buy stuff!" seems to be the mantra of individuals I cannot comprehend nor desire to know.
Stuff goes on sale at Wal-mart and there is a rushing of the doors at all the stores nationwide that equal or surpass that of any Beatles concert from the 60s. What the hell is going on? No really what the hell is going on? I haven't a clue. Someone help me to get it, to understand it. I hate to be a bleeding heart you know what but I guess one cannot help who one is but how can so many out there have so little and we as a nation must have, feel obligated almost to have all this stuff? Stuff we already have, don't need, just must have! Seconds and thirds in adundance.
What did I do for Thanksgiving? Oh thank you for asking. I hung out with my mom while she made pies, watched movies, read, drank some beer with my brother and then had a nice, actually very delicious turkey dinner with my family. What am I doing today? I am at work. Ssssshhhh....my boss is not in yet...I am not shopping. I am not being shuffled back and forth between men's wear and watches in search of that deal on stuff I must have even though I already have three of them somewhere at home. I am not getting upset that I was not able to locate the 20" plasma television advertised at under 100 bucks at Wal-mart...nope. Anyway...I'm just saying...
Friday, November 24, 2006
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Quote of the week....I had to
"I saw them. There were four of them and I thought there are four of us, that is if we find the lady. Oh, Hello Lady!" - Fezzik, aka Andre The Giant, Princess Bride
for now!
Till this chica gets settled in the blog name stays the same...deal with it! still posting but now OFF SHORE! I am working on my website so look for that soon...
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