I saw a little girl the other day oh around five years old. She was with her mommy, I guess, who knows. She had on a t-shirt that said, "I LOVE MOMMY!" Ugh. I guess that is cute but first of all you know she did not pick it out herself and second of all, who cares? You have to love her! I like the cute saying t-shirts just as much as the next hip gal, but why not SAY something on it? If and when I have children and by have I do mean HAVE, as in own children, I just hope I will have the girls wear shirts that make a statement, say something. for example...
1. [On the front] Oh, you want to date me? Interesting because you are not exhibiting behaviour that leads me to believe that is true.
Then on the back it could say something like...
Call me!
2. [On the front] You want to be friends? No thanks.
I don't need anymore friends. In fact I could go the rest of my life and not meet anymore friends. I don't need a friend. I need someone to have sex with.
Then on the back it could say something like...
So...do you wanna?
If you're going to say something then say it.
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