Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Skin and tears

I hear them before I feel them.
I know they are coming, marching.
Gathering up in puddles and joining in force.
The tears are rallying inside to be released.

I can't stand it. They come so easily and often.
They make me angry and they know it.
I am their bitch, locked in a prison cell with no escape.
No exercise yards for an hour of freedom an option.

Yet today it is different, I choose it so.
I tighten my heart, my guts and skin.
Circle the drain and send them down.
Down, deep into me until evaporation.

No tears today. No care of what you say.
Only skin and bones is my house now.
I am dry, water now only in my blood.
Parole granted to me for good behavior.

I hear nothing but the echo of trees outside.
I know the tears are sad, crying for themselves.
Gathering together in combined misery of loss.
The tears are not coming, the skin fills in silently.

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Quote of the week....I had to

"I saw them. There were four of them and I thought there are four of us, that is if we find the lady. Oh, Hello Lady!" - Fezzik, aka Andre The Giant, Princess Bride

Yes it's hot NOW, but in the fall it will be cool and you will need me more than ever!

Yes it's hot NOW, but in the fall it will be cool and you will need me more than ever!
I am back at ESO to do some comedy; all me, all alone, well there will be beer and wine! October 18th, 7:30pm...stay tuned!

for now!

Till this chica gets settled in the blog name stays the with it! still posting but now OFF SHORE! I am working on my website so look for that soon...