Friday, February 09, 2007

Is it too soon?

To be funny about Anna's death? My first or gut reaction is yes definitely and even my second and third seem to be singing the same tune. It seems like an easy target. I don't know her, or anyone that does know her. And any death or loss to a family is sad and especially the way this one played out, is continuing to be played out, it is tragic and sad. So maybe just a comment on the media coverage of her death, autopsy, baby, dead son, drug habit, her lawyer and common ceremony husband (what is that anyway? If it is anything like it sounds then I've had quite a few "common ceremony husbands"), her legal battles, Trimspa...wait you say false advertising? Say what? I am shocked. Shocked as if I just heard an audience actually laughing at the latest Eddie Murphy movie...Oh Anna bow fanna fee fi fo Anna what have you done now? Taken the role of Reality TV star to the highest of heights for sure.
I am sad for the little girl she has left behind to deal with all of this crap and the uncertian and mixed up future crap I am sure is to come for the little vunerable baby. I wonder if she will change her name when she turns 18? Imagine this if you dare; imagine if someday a famous person dies and the suspicion of drugs as the cause exists and there is no fuss? No pictures, no media, no CNN, no Entertainment Tonight "exclusive last interview", no internet jokes, People Magazine articles or blurbs, blog entries (ahem) on the web...Just words, an entry in the local obit column stating their accomplishments, their failings but in general terms, and the loved ones left behind. And if you dare to keep dreaming; imagine if anyone, just your average Jane or John Doe died where drugs might be involved got the same amount of attention as Anna Nicole, a "famous" person is currently getting? Ah, can you imagine it?...I wonder if you can. I'm just saying...

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Quote of the week....I had to

"I saw them. There were four of them and I thought there are four of us, that is if we find the lady. Oh, Hello Lady!" - Fezzik, aka Andre The Giant, Princess Bride

Yes it's hot NOW, but in the fall it will be cool and you will need me more than ever!

Yes it's hot NOW, but in the fall it will be cool and you will need me more than ever!
I am back at ESO to do some comedy; all me, all alone, well there will be beer and wine! October 18th, 7:30pm...stay tuned!

for now!

Till this chica gets settled in the blog name stays the with it! still posting but now OFF SHORE! I am working on my website so look for that soon...