This just in - Valentine's Day to be cancelled this year. Gasp. Cough. Shriek. Say it is not so! How can it be? No celebration of love? Cards to be purchased, roses to be plucked, chocolates consummed? A year without the Day of Valentine? That would be just plain unAmerican - it is unimaginable. Sort of like having a prez with a brain, actors that just act and aren't photog hogs, actually caring about the war going on instead of how many mobile communication gadgets one can have, or like well I am out of ideas now. Ok so not cancelled but maybe re-examined?
I am not bitter, even though it may sound as such. It just seems that a lot of attention this year is being placed on this card holiday. Placed on the day and what people will give and do and not so much on what the day is! A day to celebrate love. I love love. Why this year more than others is this day being given attention to? Am I noticing it more because of my position in life? Well that is a dumb question. How can one not ever do that? Perhaps I am. I am without a mate right now. Yes I wish that were not the case and yet in some ways I am calm on it, relaxed even. I spent a lovely night the other weekend chatting with an extremely talented musician, intelligent soul and he was handsome to boot. We talked of politics, the war, fame, music, food, comedy, tequilla, and other topics I at this time cannot recall. (Libby uses that phrase than I can too - it is really magic. Try it, you will like it). I was attracted to this person and yet I was content in just the conversation we had and wanted and did not expect anymore than that. Through the conversation I realized that I am not ready for a real relationship. Crazy to realize that. I am after all not 30 anymore...hell I am not 39 anymore...The last 5 months have brought me to a point where I know, think, believe I am still not quite healthy enough for a relationship. This is why I am sensitive to this "holiday" being celebrated tomorrow. You see? I am not upset or sad that I am single at all. I am not angry at men, the world or the rose growers. I am concerned that the point of it all is being missed. I see that now. It is a celebration of love. That is it. All can take part and I recommend that you do. I will be. Here is to love. Here is to hearts, candy, chocolate, flowers, champagne- I won't begrudge those things and anyone that so desires to bestow them upon loved ones, but mostly here is to all out there trying to figure it out, get through it, move on, venture into something new, and just be. Happy Valentine's Day. Not cancelled, just different.
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