Sometimes material is so perfect that it falls into one's lap. In this case into the diaper. Ack! So this lady drove over 900 miles, wearing a diaper so as not to have to stop. The diaper wearing does not upset me much since she is an astronaut (wow I spelled that correctly the first time out of the gate - nice!). What concerns me more is that she drove over 900 miles with the wig on! Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
I have to say though, this is a lady with a plan and a vision indeed. Wow I am impressed. So focused and committed to the task at hand. That being; "Keep my man." Yet technically the task at hand needs to be called; "Keep my second man." No one else concerned about the fact that this lady has three kids and is currently married to someone ELSE than this said dude? Selfish if you ask me. Interesting how no one is asking me...well not so much interesting as is expected.
When items such as this last event at NASA take place you can almost hear a collective voice across the country asking, "why?" The answer? "why not?" A product of our country right now. I blame me, you, us. Shame on me, you, us. Shame shame! Anyone got a fresh diaper? I feel soiled and think it just might be time for a change. In the meantime I am off to read about people I don't know and more importantly don't give a fuck about. See you there.
1 comment:
Hey Michelle - Happy belated 40th! Beth pointed me to your wonderful blog and this last entry is muy fantastico. It kills me that she was in such a hurry that rest stops were out of the question. What about getting gas? No car goes 900 miles w/o a fillup. Why not let yer piss out then???? And what about #2? Lots of love and we better see you at Stillwater in a few short months! Cathy
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