Ode to Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale
#4 in Sierra Nevada poem series
Oh could it be that time of year already?
Not to sound rude, not to be petty
But alas I now need to focus on my true love,
The one the only, the one I place of others above.
This is correct, to be precise, the ale of choice
Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, my one that possesses no vice!
For the long, cold nights of winter
I choose no other for which I would surely take a splinter.
You are so wonderfully robust and rich
With your flair of intense aroma without asking twice I shall be your bitch.
Your soul is dry-hopped for a lively flavor
I cannot, shall not falter, stammer or waver
As I now proclaim you to be the best beer ever made!
Perfect for a festive gathering or a night at home getting laid.
Oh how I cherish your Chinook bittering hops,
Alcohol content of 6.8% by volume make me lick my chops.
With your fermenting Ale yeast I fear I may just faint.
Please be sure to catch me you devil you, for with your labels I could paint...
my bathroom walls
my admiration and respect for you like a landscape does sprawl.
A true malt of english caramel
I'm honest when I spout, shout even spell
My L-O-V-E for you this holiday season,
For you my sweet I would lie, beg steal and even partake in treason.
As your finishing hops cascade down my eager throat,
my soul explodes with desire, overflows as water in a high rising moat.
I do so need you forever
please oh please push my button...s, pull my lever!
Be mine oh darling elixir,
say you'll make my holiday happy oh please oh kind sir.
Santa is not for me, I only need you
Only you Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale are my mate, only you, the foot that fits this shoe.