For those regular readers of my blog (all 6 of you - yes readership is up this month due to some GM layoffs - and just to be on the up and up YES this data is self - reported) you may notice that some enteries have recently been removed. I am experiencing a small dose of censorship. For now I have pulled the posts, for now I stress, to protect "the innocent". I am not sure how I feel about it and am muttering over it. I pulled them two nights ago after a random phone call request, a voicemail since I rarely do pick up my cell. I did pull one in particular because ultimately I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, take pot shots at undeserving bystanders and just basically it was a knee jerk reaction and seemed or appeared in my head the correct action to take at the time...initially, but...now looking back at it over the last 27 or so hours I think that action does not match the request. I have some options which is cool in itself. I can do one of a few things. I can edit the post and remove the damaging remark (and I use the word damaging loosely) and repost it, I can just not repost it and keep it in my draft folder where I am the only one to enjoy it's brilliance (and I use the word brilliance loosely - I am fair if nothing else), I could edit it and add even more damaging (you know the drill) information you know name names and all that juicy stuff (that seems least appealing and not really what I am all about - a realist am I if nothing else...oh wait now I have said I am two things if nothing else...ops!, and lastly I could post an apology for the post...that option is at the end of this list for a reason. Um, so many choices, so many social engagements and so little time. For now I am going to take a long overdue run with my iPod and continue to ponder my options...along with what I want to have for lunch today. The first day of unemployment, I find, at least, is always so fanciful and hopeful. Then I will come back have another cup of java and perhaps declare my decision. Oh wait I just noticed that in the title of this blog entry it says, "...so cool!", and I have yet to point out why or address that statement. Why is this so cool? Hello! People are reading my blog...and not just in the state of Virginia...I've gone out of state. Not only are they reading it (hence the statement above that readership HAS gone up) but it is eliciting a response, emotions, reactions! How awesome is that? I mean! (Lindsey Lohan says that all through the "please oh please I am telling you as an avid 'film' watcher do not rent this movie" Georgia Rule film! I mean I had a moment of weakness in the video store - I was just laid off!). That is awesome. I mean the blog reading thing...and well the unemployment is not so bad (all change is good!). I do suspect though that after this entry I may lose a few of the new readers. But just like me and what makes this ole country of ours so grand, is that others as well have options. Ok, till later...well later.
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