Thursday, August 30, 2007
Fill in the blank

A real fantasy

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
today at 2pm

Hometown Humor for Kids Classes about to start!

- An under appreciated genius?
- 8 to 12 years old?
- Tired of being “shushed” when you are funny or silly?
- Ready to “go public” with your stuff?
- Are you ready to tap into that “angst” from the back of the classroom?
- Do you live on the Eastern Shore of Virginia?
Then Hometown Humor for Kids is the class for you!
In a six week class taught by Michelle Maclay 8 to 12 year olds will create their own stand-up set, learn and play improv games. At the end of the six week session each participant will perform their individual set and be part of an improv group in a class show for friends, parents and general audience.
During the six week session we will focus on having fun! The class and show will boost self esteem, build character, and confidence by being in front of peers in a controlled environment. Ms. Maclay will provide a safe, laid back and fun environment in which young talent can express their singular views of the world through their madcap imaginations.
This class is both for kids who have aspirations towards some end of show biz as well as kids who will take the humor experience with them as they move on to become doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs.
Well what has Ms. Maclay done to enable her to teach such a class?
She is a Comedian, Actor, Producer, Blog Writer
Recently transplanted to the Shore from New York City, Ms. Maclay brings to the classroom an impressive performance history in stand-up comedy and the theatre arts. A self-motivated comedian with excellent organization and communication skills, she brings over three years of stand-up comedy experience in the New York City comedy club scene. As well, Ms. Maclay created and produced a successful long running comedy show called The Comedy Social in New York City so she is well aware of what it takes to run a show, a class and handle any “angst” that is thrown her way!
Ms. Maclay’s easy going presence, professionalism, accessibility, wit and gentle humor make her a natural fit with teaching kids comedy, humor, improv and just plain old having fun!
Check it out at ESO in Belle Haven, http://www.esva.net/~eso/, or The Arts Enter in Cape Charles, http://www.artsentercapecharles.org/, both located on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Ah the DAY JOB!

Wasting Time

Today I am here taking it one day at a time, passing time...not wasting it. Because I know that during today, as this time takes place today I will without a doubt learn something, experience an occurance or interact with a person that will somehow bring me closer to completion of me. So after this short amount of time in writing this entry and you reading it I now proclaim; if getting to completion, getting closer to being the person I want and need to be means wasting time then ok indeed I say, "Man, that was such a waste of time!" I'm just saying...
Monday, August 27, 2007
what gives ME the right?

Friday, August 24, 2007
i am shocked!

if only Cape Charles was a wee bit bigger?
10 things that truly annoy me - today.

I wish

Ok to be fair there was that three day stint in 10th grade where I wished Freaky Friday upon Jolie Julian and I -
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Oh, ok

Only just now looking back on that road it all seems to make sense.
In the heat of the moment, in the middle of that time it was all so chaotic, so intense and in my face.
Yet here up on top of this still calm mountain it causes me to not blink when thinking of such current simplicity.
I was in that place a location with no name, no calendar to mark the time as it passed, drifted on top of cool deep water.
And at present I sense and feel even a head turning toward the clear shadows and I realize it is me seeking an answer.
My self possession only at this time in this place asking to be recognized, demanding it, atlast.
A request made to be taught a skill that will win the prize, bestow the first place ribbon upon my chest.
And then at last all at once in a flash you are here next to me, not touching me.
You also looking out into that time, that past place and you stand motionless so to not initiate disturbance.
So we are together yet all the same we are just alone, separate and touching only when bumping into one another.
Monday, August 20, 2007
It is an answer.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Virginia has it going on

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
atleast they found the hiker!
how about putting the hiker news first? They snuck that good shit in did they not?
Just when you are about to slit your wrists...
Blogger arrested near UCLA child care center
Eye doc accused of killing prostitute
O.J. Simpson's 'If I Did It' to be published
Actress carried forged kudos
Abducted Iowa kids found in Maine
Second shark attack off Cape Cod
PETA rally burns fur, leather clothes
Brownback visits New Hampshire
Video caught caregiver abusing man
Employee fired after being robbed
Rabid cat attacks, bites family
Boy, 4, found wandering along road
Vicious attack leaves clerk brutalized
8-year-old fights off kidnapper
Man accused of kidnapping nun
Police find puppy with severed leg
Baby gets 23 broken ribs in abuse
Flossie's wind, waves hit Big Island
Text messaging blamed in fatal wreck
Missing hiker found safe
Top U.S. Stories
Ex-NBA ref in betting scandal surrenders
Sources: Vick's lawyers divided
Millions of toys recalled
Newark suspects slipped through cracks
Astronaut teacher wows students from space
Ex-speaker Hastert retiring, GOP officials say
Wife who killed preacher freed
have you ever?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I mean really! This woman is a wee bit scarey and just plain ole not patient!
I gave to the local Boy Scouts of America last year as a dontation through the United Way because it seemed like a good cause. Their mission is, "growing young boys into good men"- well actually it is,
"The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law."
I just translated it into layman's terms - the "non professional" boy scout that is!
I gave to this organization because hey, it seemed like a good one and...I can wait!
Dis - connect

Saturday, August 11th, 2007

It sure does.

Change or not change?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I saw today on the way to work...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Once again, the small town rules!

As you can imagine some sort of training, ahem, is now taking place to prepare for this event. I am running on a somewhat sparadic schedule - that is code for running 2 to 3 miles 2 to 3 times a week - and I have to say when I use the word run I truly mean more of the word struggle. So I am struggling for 2 to 3 miles 2 to 3 times a week. It is hot up in here people! I am not being self depricating - I am being factual. I mean when you are running in a field and you notice that two turkey buzzards are actually following you it is bad. I mean birds of prey flying just behind you, stopping on top of a barn as if looking at something else, not moving their lips (??) so you cannot see but talking just the same, then non chalantly taking off and circling over you...that is a struggle my friends.
Then once a week attempting to run a long run, say 7 to 8 miles (they say you need to be up to 10 miles before the actual "race" - who the hell is this They?).
So such an attempt was made today by myself and three other fine souls. I unfortunately got heat exhaustion or well just my body did not want to do it! At about 5 miles I threw up...nice.
In the front yard of someone who happen to be sitting out on their porch for their morning coffee and paper updates. Here is the conversation that followed;
Throw up, sort of. Spit. Raise head.
See nice handsome older couple sitting on porch, looking at me.
Me: well hello there. how are you?
Lady: Well we are well. And you my dear?
Me: oh you know...[turn head toward street looking for an ambulance maybe? Not sure]
Man: What are you doing?
Me: I don't actually know.
Lady: It is suppose to be over 100 degrees today my dear
Me: Yes I heard that
Man: Do you want some water?
Me: Oh no, well, if you have it sure that would be nice [wipe, check mouth for after throw up residue - classy I know. School on Saturday is my name...no class!]
Man goes to get cold bottle of water from the house.
Lady: Again ah what are you doing? And why are you doin it?
Me: Again now that I think about it, not sure. Running? Yes that is it.
Lady: Ah, ok then. Good luck with that.
Man comes back with water.
Man: Be careful out there dear. Take care.
Me: Thank you. you too!
I walked and ran the rest of the 2 to 3 miles (that sequence of number is popular today for me!)
And I felt great! I can do this I thought.
Lesson today? Even if one throws up one can still be ready to rock n roll!
Oh it is hot out alright!
I put out...
Monday, August 06, 2007
A Sensible Poem

of how I should see you
if I allow myself to distinquish.
I possess no dispute with it.
I desire to move forward with this
wonder at being able
to show all information:
I am alive,
I have heard uttered
a while ago before my time
in another mode,
as clever drifted over an era
seeming to shrink and become trivial,
longer extended, and oversized.
As the conversation I want to escape from echos in that room
as soon as the mouth is opened to condemn
prior to when I ever fell for love,
thirsting for external devotion.
yearnings do change over time,
and myself, I give respect,
and cloak only one thing.
I just cannot at this point

Friday, August 03, 2007
Hey wait a minute i just remembered something!

A year

I woke up this morning with such a feeling of power. I realized that in a few weeks my first year now living on the eastern shore will be complete. From one big perspective I feel that it has gone really fast and I have not accomplished anything at all. Then when I dive into the specifics I come to see that I have done a lot...especially for someone that had a mini life crisis or half a breakdown in NYC, uprooted 9 years of history and scooted down the coast to live with her parents after 20 years of being on her own. The shore embraced me. Took me in and gave me just what I needed - it is as if this place knew how to heal me without even asking me what I wanted or needed to do so. Which is nice for a couple of reasons...if asked that question at the time of first coming here to the shore I would have had no idea of what to say and two because well let's face it a piece of land, an area talking to you, let alone asking you, "hey there little lady how can we the ocean, the bay, the land help you?" would seem a tad bit out there to say the least. I said I experienced a mini life crisis not complete craziness. I am not crazy. Although I read somewhere that people who say they are not crazy tend to ah well be so. A little crazy is sometimes good. It keeps one sane. Back to my first year here on the shore - What have I done so far in this 12 months? I believe I have discovered or rather uncovered the type of performer, artist I want to be. That takes a long time people. At least a year. Now I have to do it, execute it, make it happen as one may say. That is the second year. What else? I've been working on myself, relationships and all that crap of the heart and at times the head. I am dating someone. A someone. I am learning that timing may not be everything but it IS a big part of it. I am not giving up in this area and that takes guts. I have come to realize that I am brave. I now know that you do have to walk out on the limb for the fruit but fuck then you see how far the drop is! I have to say it feels like I am making progress yet still have a ways to go all at once, tied together. This is hard. I truly understand why people hesitate to do it, to go there and why they retreat from it, put up all defenses so as not to deal with it. At the same time I find I am conflicted - how can one NOT deal with it? How can one allow that big fat elephant to continue to rest in that corner? A big realization is that I have done a lot of work this last year and there is still more to do in this coming year.
So why do I say I woke this morning with such a feeling of power? My answer? Even though there are no numbers involved, do the math.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Another shitty day in paradise
Virgin experience