As you can imagine some sort of training, ahem, is now taking place to prepare for this event. I am running on a somewhat sparadic schedule - that is code for running 2 to 3 miles 2 to 3 times a week - and I have to say when I use the word run I truly mean more of the word struggle. So I am struggling for 2 to 3 miles 2 to 3 times a week. It is hot up in here people! I am not being self depricating - I am being factual. I mean when you are running in a field and you notice that two turkey buzzards are actually following you it is bad. I mean birds of prey flying just behind you, stopping on top of a barn as if looking at something else, not moving their lips (??) so you cannot see but talking just the same, then non chalantly taking off and circling over you...that is a struggle my friends.
Then once a week attempting to run a long run, say 7 to 8 miles (they say you need to be up to 10 miles before the actual "race" - who the hell is this They?).
So such an attempt was made today by myself and three other fine souls. I unfortunately got heat exhaustion or well just my body did not want to do it! At about 5 miles I threw up...nice.
In the front yard of someone who happen to be sitting out on their porch for their morning coffee and paper updates. Here is the conversation that followed;
Throw up, sort of. Spit. Raise head.
See nice handsome older couple sitting on porch, looking at me.
Me: well hello there. how are you?
Lady: Well we are well. And you my dear?
Me: oh you know...[turn head toward street looking for an ambulance maybe? Not sure]
Man: What are you doing?
Me: I don't actually know.
Lady: It is suppose to be over 100 degrees today my dear
Me: Yes I heard that
Man: Do you want some water?
Me: Oh no, well, if you have it sure that would be nice [wipe, check mouth for after throw up residue - classy I know. School on Saturday is my name...no class!]
Man goes to get cold bottle of water from the house.
Lady: Again ah what are you doing? And why are you doin it?
Me: Again now that I think about it, not sure. Running? Yes that is it.
Lady: Ah, ok then. Good luck with that.
Man comes back with water.
Man: Be careful out there dear. Take care.
Me: Thank you. you too!
I walked and ran the rest of the 2 to 3 miles (that sequence of number is popular today for me!)
And I felt great! I can do this I thought.
Lesson today? Even if one throws up one can still be ready to rock n roll!
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