This statement seems dumb to me. Wasting time. How does one do that and why do people often say that when they find themselves in a situation they did not expect or want to be in? "Man that was such a waste of time!" I hear it often. I do not think you can actually waste time. Time goes by and that is it. You go with the time. While you are in it most often you don't feel like it is wasted or otherwise you would stop what you were doing right then and there correct? You spend time with people, you spend time on things, going places and experiencing all that is happening. Time goes by and that is it. Sandra Bullock said in a film once in response to a counselor telling her to "take it one day at a time"...SB: "What is it with you people and this one day at a time thing? As if I have any choice to take two three days at a time!" Precisely.
Today I am here taking it one day at a time, passing time...not wasting it. Because I know that during today, as this time takes place today I will without a doubt learn something, experience an occurance or interact with a person that will somehow bring me closer to completion of me. So after this short amount of time in writing this entry and you reading it I now proclaim; if getting to completion, getting closer to being the person I want and need to be means wasting time then ok indeed I say, "Man, that was such a waste of time!"
I'm just saying...
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