Does anyone really know what time it is?
This was my inquiry one recent blurry, overcast and breezy Saturday late morning...
I woke up on Saturday morning, the second time, and did not know what time it was, actually - The clock in my bedroom stated 11am, the clock on the stove in the kitchen (naturally. I mean who has a stove anywhere else but the kitchen...outside of NYC that is?) told me 11:01am (by the time I stumbled from the bedroom to the kitchen time elasped - whew!), the clock on the wall in the kitchen made it clear it was 11:01am (I just had to turn my head to the left on this one so no time, well time recorded in minutes, had passed). But the radio station stated it was 12noon. How could this be? What was happening? Worlds colliding. Sky a falling. Where is my little friend Chicken Little when I need him, her? A time change taken place that was not told to me? No that does not happen until October...ah shit is it October already? Checked calendar. Nope. Good wall calendar. Never have to worry about upgrades or glitches in you.
Checked my cell phone - 11:04am (again the whole time continuum thing). The radio station still spouting out the time of 12:04pm...programming and everything. The radio could not be wrong. But alas what was I to do? I cannot call anyone for obvious reasons. In case not obvious afterall..."Ah hi there. What time is it? I mean I am not crazy, but..."
Then the radio went dead. Dead air. Nothing. Ah ha! Then it came back on with the 11am program (the entire reason why I bothered to get back up at 11am in the first place, for the second time)! Situation resolved. World safe again. All good. Well all but for the "I am not crazy!" girl issue.
I'm just saying...
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