Thursday, December 18, 2008
Always learning, growing, living
So anyway, he has decided then that he can eat, will eat, only meat that has wings. So turkey, chicken and of course angels. So you can imagine my surprise when a few days after he shared this information with me, he said to me as we said goodbye after hanging out one evening at da bar, "See you later and you know I have to tell you, you really are an angel"
Happy Whatever You Believe In babies!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I have no idea why but it fits, and i like it
Each day he sends me an email with a daily recipe and food tip.
I don't often make the recipes...correction, ah I have never used any of the recipes in the emails. But I do open up each one, read through it as well as the tip for the day. For some reason it comforts me. That even though I don't actually cook the recipes, I know they exist, that they are out there. I am trying to be healthier and some how this is a step in that process. I am becoming healthy through osmosis. I have no idea why but it all seems to fit.
My mom called me this morning around 8am. When I saw the call come in and knew it was her I was ready. When I answered I said, "Don't sing!" She did not sing, she laughed and laughed and I then laughed and laughed. It was somewhere in the area of a 2 to 3 minute laugh fest! it was the best. a perfect present for today.
I've included the recipe and food tip below for your enjoyment, in whatever form that works best for you.
And in the true spirit of my bornday and the holidays now upon us, and as I heard a kid exclaim in the early morning Christmas Parade I witnessed this last Saturday (more on that surreal experience later...much more indeed),
here's wishing you all a very,
"Happy Whatever you Believe in!" this season.
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to have for dinner tonight ...
If you want to enjoy great flavor along with an excellent source of vitamins, K, A, D, tryptophan, selenium and protein then try this easy-to-prepare recipe that creates a delicious broth, which you will want to savor to the very last drop.
Poached Halibut with Fennel & Cauliflower
1½ lbs halibut cut into 8 pieces
1 TBS fresh lemon juice
1TBS + 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth
1 medium sized onion cut in half and sliced medium thick
1 large carrot, turned about 1½ inch pieces
1½ cups cauliflower florets cut into quarters
1 medium sized fennel bulb sliced medium thick
5 medium cloves garlic pressed
salt and black pepper to taste
chopped fennel green tops for garnish
Slice onion and chop garlic and let sit for at least 5 minutes to bring out their hidden health-promoting properties.
Rub halibut with lemon juice and season with a little salt and pepper. Set aside.
Heat 1 TBS broth in a 12 inch stainless steel skillet. Healthy Saute onion in broth over medium heat for 5 minutes stirring frequently.
Add rest of broth and carrots. Simmer on medium heat for about 10 minutes covered.
Add cauliflower, fennel, and garlic. Place halibut steaks on top and continue to cook covered for about 6 more minutes. Season with salt and pepper
Serve halibut with vegetables and broth. Sprinkle with chopped fennel greens.
Serves 4
Is one type of sweetener better than the other for my body and the way my body processes them?
Your question can be answered in a variety of different ways. First, in terms of overall nutritional quality, it's always better to get your "sweeteners" as part of whole, natural foods rather than separately purchased products that you add to your food.
I realize that many people simply have a "sweet tooth" and are accustomed to sweetening a good number of foods and beverages. However, the routine use of added sweeteners can sometimes detract from the naturally sweet flavors of foods.
Carrots, for example, are a naturally sweet vegetable. They're about 15% sugar in terms of total calories; they contain an array of sugars including sucrose, glucose, and fructose. However, to many people carrots do not taste sweet, and the reason sometimes involves the total amount of sugar to which a person has become accustomed. A large carrot will contain about three-quarters of a teaspoon of sugar at most. If you're accustomed to one to two teaspoons of any added sugar in your coffee or tea, or as an added glaze on an entrée, your carrot may no longer be as enjoyable to you because it may seem non-sweet by comparison.
Second, in the same way that I prefer natural foods as a source of all dietary sugars (please see the carrot example above), I also prefer natural sources of extracted sugar products. For example, agave nectar is a sweetener extracted from the agave plant, and it contains a variety of nutrients that are naturally found in the agave plant. While these nutrients are found in relatively small amounts in agave nectar, this sweetener is still a better nutritional choice because of this natural diversity. Agave nectar is about 70% fructose in terms of its sugar composition. However, this abundance of fructose is not the reason I favor its use as a sweetener for individuals who have decided to use added sweeteners. The reason I favor its use is because agave nectar is more natural and less processed than many other available sweeteners. Table sugar, for example, provides no nutritional variety whatsoever, even though it originates in a natural plant (sugar cane).
Your best choice of sweeteners always involves those sweeteners that are most natural and least processed. This is the reason I like whole, natural foods as the source for sweetness in a Healthiest Way of Eating. However, for individuals wanting added sweeteners, my top choices would be honey and natural nectars, including agave nectar. I strongly recommend the purchase of organic honey, since bees can inadvertently pick up pesticide residues and other potential contaminants while gathering pollens in any pesticide-containing environment. Organic agave nectar would also be my recommended choice for this sweetener. Other sweeteners that I also like are organic maple syrup and organic blackstrap molasses. If you need to use a product that acts like regular sugar, then I would suggest organic evaporated cane juice, since it is less processed than refined sugar and contains more nutrients.
When it comes to dietary sugars, the key to supporting your body's metabolism is moderation. Any dietary sugar can disrupt your body's metabolism if eaten excessively. I don't believe that the research supports intake of any added sugar in large amounts, regardless of its "naturalness" or degree of processing. I also don't believe it makes sense to focus on the exact composition of sugars within a natural food or within a natural, minimally processed sweetener. Different foods have different sugar composition, and I believe that these differences are healthy provided that the foods are organically grown and are consumed as close to their whole, natural condition as possible.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wedsnesday, a big day

I have decided the following:
1. this birthday, soon upon me, is the birthday where now i am forever here on out to remain the age I am now...or I am whatever age people tell me I am.
2. that it is very cool when a dude you like calls you sug or babe.
3. i will never get enough sleep
4. i love facebook
5. it is ok that i record Bad Girls reality show - they really are not that bad. Just bad at not drinking too much and getting in fights, getting kicked out of bars in LA. But hey what is youth for anyway?
6. even when i don't "nail" a performance i still really love being up there in front of the mic
7. my current lip gloss feels like fly paper on my lips and I am hesitant about wearing it outside of the office...
8. bacon cheeseburgers ARE always a good idea
9. i simply cannot go out and have just ONE beer. Not 12 necessarily, but never just ONE. I was good last night. Had three and was in bed by midnight.
10. i love hot water
Monday, December 08, 2008
The Christmas Story quotes & ah Ralphie is aging nicely don't ya think?

• "I want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!"
• "You'll shoot your eye out, kid."
• "Fra-gee-lay. That must be Italian."
• "In the heat of battle my father wove a tapestry of obscenities that as far as we know is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan."
• "Only one thing in the world could've dragged me away from the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window."
• "Now it was serious. A double-dog-dare. What else was there but a 'triple dare ya?' And then, the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple-dog-dare."
• "Scut Farkus! What a rotten name! There he stood, between us and the alley. Scut Farkus staring out at us with his yellow eyes. He had yellow eyes! So, help me, God! Yellow eyes!"
• "He looks like a deranged Easter Bunny."
"He does not!"
"He does, too, he looks like a pink nightmare!"
Friday, December 05, 2008
ah the holidays are upon us...

i really do love this time of year. i am in a new place this year. well new after a long time being gone. the air is crisp, a light breeze, and it feels like snow is just around the corner. It is not NYC yet I like it here now at this time of year. There is a different sort of noise in the background than NYC. No horns, sirens or clamping of feet...all good in their own way, truly. But now for me it is the swoosh of my car wheels on the blacktop, the rustle of tall trees in my back yard talking, the crunch of brown leaves under my black boots (you can take the gal out of NYC alas NYC, a tad of it, always stays within the gal) in the driveway, and the echo of a neighborhood dog announcing the day to come. Now back in the area where I grew up I am constantly flooded, at times overwhelmed, with memories, flashes of the past moments of my life. Mostly good, some not so much bad as they are complex. For the first time in a long time I am confident in my choices. The choice to move back here for a better job, to be with family, to pursue my writing is the best one I have made in a long time, maybe ever. Solid ground beneath my legs I can see and feel and that is priceless. This time of year also makes me think about a trip taken a long time ago around this time of year. I was 18, it was 1984 (please don't do the math!), with my parents, little brother, to florida to see grandparents, and this car! A 1971 Buick Special Stationwagon - can you imagine? Good times and Happy Holidays to me! It is the canvas for my Holiday from Hell story I am sharing with people this coming Tuesday at the Monti.
It started out as a trip from hell, for an 18 year old at least it was, and then turned into something amazing...when one least expects it...
I will post the story here someday...I have to tell you the writing of one's past, reliving and investigating one's past is so interesting, scarey and comforting all in rolled into a big ole emotional ball of craziness. I am liking it. Happy Holidays!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Rainy Sunday in North Carolina

coffee shop
I'm here at a coffee shop.
coffee in a to go cup.
I'm staying. I'll go eventually.
I'm sure it pisses off the young, sullen, struggling kids behind the bar.
That pleases me.
I smile.
They frown.
At last, an expression, movement.
My work here is done.
I shall go now.
More coffee?
Sure, why not? Pour it into my to go cup.
Afterall, I can be green too.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Gobble Gobble to all

Here is wishin you all a very happy and splendid Thanksgiving.
Whether you are with family, friends, pets, the television, in the country, in the city, eating dinner at 2pm or 6:30pm, I so wish you all the ability to give true thanks for all you have or for that matter do not have. I am truly thankful for you, this blog and my life right now. It is not anywhere near where I thought it would be at this point or even at all imagined yet here I am and therefore I am thankful.
Eat it. Sleep it. Thank it. a side note; doesn't my head in this picture look like it has been shrunk and put back on my body? And are my arms on steroids? Still thankful. Hey, I got arms!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's been a good Tuesday, for a change!
Friend -- (that is me! I know that this is a mass email that went out to all supporters of the O, but it is still cool to see my name in print)
Today and yesterday, President-elect Barack Obama announced key members of an economic team tasked with creating jobs, stabilizing the economy, and getting our country back on track.
Barack is bringing together some of the best minds in the country to make swift progress on the economic challenges we face.
Timothy F. Geithner, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, will serve as Secretary of the Treasury. Lawrence H. Summers, former Secretary of the Treasury under President Clinton, will serve as Director of the National Economic Council.
Christina D. Romer will serve as Director of the Council of Economic Advisers, Melody C. Barnes will serve as Director of the Domestic Policy Council, and Heather A. Higginbottom will serve as Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council.
Peter Orszag, currently Director of the Congressional Budget Office, will serve as Office of Management and Budget Director, and Rob Nabors will serve as Deputy Director.
Michelle Maclay, currently a Public Communications Specialist at the UNC School of Medicine, a part time writer and comedy open mic host will serve as the White House in-house clown, chick of all laughter supplier, new puppy petter, and all around representative for good times in the new administration. She will stay in Chapel Hill, NC and visit the White House on the weekends and via satellite when needed, on call so to speak. During the month of December Michelle will be hiring various staff to support the funny. Do not look for her in any pictures as she will be keeping a low profile and is not interested in stealing the thunder of the First Michelle.
Barack's economic team has already begun work on a recovery plan, and he'll provide progress updates in the coming weeks. He'll also provide their initial recommendations to the incoming Congress.
You'll be instrumental in generating support to pass legislation that puts America on the road to recovery.
While we can't underestimate the challenge we face, we also can't underestimate the opportunity we have to bring the change our country needs.
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Monday, November 24, 2008
this weekend I heard and I liked...
2. "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever."
3. "see you sug"
4. "that is the zesty BBQ sauce"
5. "Nice to meet you all, well I didn't meet you, but I am sure you are quite lovely."
6. "Santa beer? Ok sure why not."
This week we give thanks to...[insert what you are thankful for here]
Think on it as I am sure there is plenty to fill in. I know for me there is...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday tatter...on a Wednesday. That is just like Tuesday!
Monday was ok cause the residue of the spent weekend has not quite yet seeped into your skin.
Then here you are…the second day of the work week and all is crashing down.
Wednesday seems too far in the future and that leisurely, blissful Sunday afternoon is now lost way back there in the past.
Off from the day you go to the place where it can all be made better, for a while.
That local pub, bar, gathering house.
You walk in and people smile, greet you, say, “hey” and call you by name.
A beverage is had, and a friend asks you, “How was your day?”…and they truly want to know.
A college basketball game is on the small screen. The team you loved as a child and that team is winning; killing the other team.
It gives you solace and you purr deep down inside as you listen to the announcer scream in the background while you laugh, give a high five to that gal pal you just met.
Another beverage is consumed and a squeeze, a smile from that handsome man you think is cool continues your therapy onward.
A heated interesting discussion with a Brit inspires you and in the back of your mind you write another chapter to that book that is still cataloged deep down in your soul.
Standing by the back door you and two strong women you think a lot of debate, dissect and laugh on a common problem. And your therapy leaps upward and onward.
Then you must go home, to eat some late dinner, go to bed for the next day is soon approaching.
You lay your head down. Within minutes the alarm goes off. Light shoots through the blinds.
Up you rise, rinse and slurp the first cup of java for the day. Thankful that even though you did live yesterday as if you would die tomorrow, you are not dead.
And as you park your car, lock it up and stroll to that bus that will take you to your next work day you say under your breath…
”Well hey it’s Wednesday, Friday is just around the corner and ain’t that grand?”
Then you touch your head, actually feel the headache on your finger tips from the Co2 of last night liquid and it hurts, but you don't mind. You just get on that bus and you go.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday wisdom

Getting a permanent job with health insurance isn't really about me and making sure I have coverage in case something happens. It is more realizing, acquiring the knowledge that now I have no burden of being a burden to those that love me. That is what health insurance insures for me.
And then in turn, that realization is actually a sign that I am getting wiser...not more mature necessarily (as if, ga, for reals, awesome!), only gaining a broader perspective and getting more little bitty lines around the eyes and mouth. Yet being ok with those lines...most days.
I did decide this morning, as I realized that my birthday is now less than a month a way (barely), that from now on out I am the age I am now, from here on out till I actually look like that age. Or until people consistently guess my correct age.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Random things I heard on Friday night...
"shit you are the funniest chick in chapel hill I mean really!"
"it is not real, I mean damn you all are being fooled!"
"nice shot!"
"another PBR please"
"this is my down fall, Michelle, really"
"the internet is out for sure. and now the television? can we turn off that snow?"
"i remember my mom letting me stay home from school for a mental health day"
"you wanna again?"
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
I had a feeling even back then...

well more than likely not. That night was probably focused on trying to make people laugh...but at least I had enough sense to have my pic taken as I am under the right sign! This is me on the shore way back in the beginning, at First wonderful, so fantastic. see Virginia, Hope is a good thing.
Monday, November 03, 2008
this just in
"read my lipstick. I vote democratic"
Sunday, November 02, 2008
A short amount of time in my day yet a large impact on my life.
I had forgotten how amazing it was to vote. It is a feeling of such
hope and power. I felt empowered and invincible. My headache of the
night before filled with beer, whiskey, and ghoulish figures seemed to dull, to fade and float away.
If I owned a cape I would have tied it on and worn it with pride all day.
I just walked right into that place, gave my name, confirmed my address
and they handed me a ballot, a pen and said, "over there, that one is empty"
And just like that I struck a pose and cast my opinion, my right I did express.
A gift I've been given, bestowed to me simply due to my birth in this vast land.
To take that for granted, to not do it, would be, is so much a crime.
I want this change badly and feel our country's heart is literally breaking.
Inside of my chest, down deep inside of me I can completely feel my soul shaking.
I am sure it is quite obvious who I am for, who I know can lead us and start the mending process of our country that is truly falling apart. Yet I am not here to tell you who to vote for, who to choose.
I am only telling you to go out, get off your couch, get your cape on and vote!
Do it for you, do it for me, do it for us all, just do it.
For I fear if you do not, we all lose.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Take a few minutes to read this important, not funny (ack), message on PBs!
I need my polar bears for my set...seriously without it I am dead on stage. Plus they are so cute...from a distance of course. thanks. Michelle
Our polar bears are threatened with extinction, and the next presidential administration may well determine whether or not they disappear forever. Yet Governor Palin has tried to eliminate protections for threatened polar bears a move that could lead to more polar bears dying of starvation and drowning, and more being killed by wealthy trophy hunters.
Please urge Governor Palin to stop siding with Big Oil, and start protecting polar bears today!
According to the Anchorage Daily News, Sarah Palin covered up evidence from her own scientists showing the need for polar bear protections. Now she's listening to the oil companies and trophy hunters, suing the federal government to stop the listing of polar bears as a threatened species.
As governor, Sarah Palin has failed to help polar bears, wolves and other wildlife. A heartbeat away from the presidency, she could do more harm to our wild animals – unless we let her know how important it is to protect America's endangered wildlife before they are gone forever. Please take a moment to sign the petition to help protect polar bears
Read the petition
(if you are not able to click on this link then copy, paste in browser and go!
There is a video too.
Urge Governor Sarah Palin to Protect Polar Bears
Take Action!
Unfortunately, Governor Palin has opposed the listing of the polar bear under the Endangered Species Act, despite the fact that Alaska's top marine mammal biologists agreed with the federal scientists who believed the bear should be listed.
Now....come see one of my shows this weekend! I may not be dressing up but I am sure I will be scarey funny!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
"You look tired"

why do people say that to you? I mean I am so it is good that my face matches my insides but alas why do you have to announce it? Yes, I got three hours of sleep last night. Therefore, ergo, I am tired. And apparently some pretty sweet baggage am I a carrying under my eyes. I don't like it when people say, "Wow! You look so pretty today!" As if it is a feat, I was mugged by The Extreme Makeover crew the night before on my way home...and the last two days previous apparently I've looked like shit. Actually, who am i kidding? I love it when people say that to me.
I love it when guys in bars, especially when I am bartending, ask, "how old are you?" and as a side bar a question for them, for all, when the fuck did this become an acceptable question to ask a lady. (tee hee. I referred to myself as a lady!) I guess I can now approach men and ask, "how's it hanging there big fella?" [A pause], response of "It is good" Me - "Ah, no really how is IT hanging?" I need the info if we are to proceed any further. I am feeling dirty today. Oh good...nice mood to be in when in a few hours set to take the stage and do some funny shit in front of paying customers.
A dude asked me that very question last night. So, I then asked back, "how old do you think I am?" To which he replied, after a few minutes of close observation, "27, 28"
[Fighting off laughter], "Oh honey, are you drunk? It is pretty dark in here!" He said no. That was nice. I mean I am sure the objective was not to exchange beauty tips but more to exchange something else...who knows. nice guy. not dating material, but a nice guy. I was flatterd actually. And it made me remember what I already know and believe: it is just a number. none of it means anything. Except of course when it comes to breaking the law. There are some pretty cute 16 year olds running around, I mean 18 year olds, wait...ok never mind. And since I act way below what my age is SUPPOSE to act like (whatever that may be), and along with my good jeans I was blessed with (my mom's name is Jean -that is eery!), I know that makes me come across to people as younger with a certian air of wisdom, and I like that. I just read that 50 is the new 30. Therefore, maybe what people are really saying to me, instead of "You look tired", is "You look 50" and it means I look great! Or instead of the question, "How old are you?" they are really asking, "When do you turn 30, for the 20th time?" If you don't get my drift I have to assume that you have not yet "hung" around quite long enough.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
i think this helps...really you are still undecided, voting for the gnome?
1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.
2. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.adj.
Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence
Perhaps a dictionary should have been on Palin's shopping list last week.
Oh jeez, you betcha.
Friday, October 24, 2008
I could not have said it better!
I am voting next week and I am so excited!
“I look at these people and can't quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention? To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. "Can I interest you in the chicken?" she asks. "Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."
- Author David Sedaris, on undecided voters
Thursday, October 09, 2008
i just registered to vote in NC baby!
Monday, September 15, 2008
"no mom I said lamb, not lame!"
Ok, so I have been lame as of late in the blog writing area...just busy and lonely all rolled into one. How can that be? She is busy and lonely? Does not make sense. I know on the surface it doesn't make sense but dig deeper and it sort of does. And to tell you the truth I am liking it. I have no explanation as to why. Yet just feel it is where I am suppose to be right now. Figuring it out, getting on track, blah blah, and doing it alone. Even though I am alone I feel extremely connected to people, to the world right now yet very much outside of it all and myself. I have out of body experiences throughout my the day almost every day. Not scary experiences only experiences that actually provide clarity and comfort. Very real. Tangible, palatable really. Like just this morning on my way into work, deep in thought, on autopilot when this woman walking behind me tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, but ah..." I was so startled that I stopped walking. I assumed that she was simply trying to get past me on the walkway. I said, "Oh I am so sorry. Were you trying to get by me? Was I walking too slow, perhaps zig zagging?" (on a side note: my walking has become a little "all over the map" lately.)
"No", she said, "I just want to know what perfume you are wearing. It smells so good" Nice. Even though I am alone and plowing through it all right now I can at least pull it together enough to smell good.
I watched a new show last night. Called, "Priviledged" and there was a line in it that I loved and sums up how I feel right now. "The appearance of not being insane is what is key, what is truly important" Yes, yes it is. I am a little insane right now. Insane in a good way, for a good And that ain't lame at all.
Monday, August 25, 2008
i am thinking...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
a voicemail message from my dad this morning
There is a wise message in there somewhere I am sure of it. Not sure how it relates to the dudes that have been passing on as of late yet my dad seems to have something going on. I had to share. I think I have a new mantra. One that apparently I've been living already. Perhaps that is why I feel and look younger than I am in actual years. go immaturity. be immature today. It will keep you young in the end. plus it seems to agitate the "old" folks. A bonus.
Friday, August 15, 2008
here is the deal
Specifically in my blog entries.
I fought for a long time to not do a blog. Cause it seemed that everyone else was doing it. It wasn't that I was afraid my parents would find out it was just...i don't really know what it was just that I felt this strong paltable feeling that I did not want to do it. Then I did. Sort of the same process as when I got a tattoo. I did not want to for a long time. Violently against it. (hee. why did I say that? It is not as if I went around randomly performing acts of violence in the name of NOT getting a tattoo). I suppose it is said so to convey the conviction of really being against something. I do recall that at that time in my life i did feel strongly that tattoos were wrong, for me, only. I am not sure if I would have actually been violent or not in regard to tattoos. Yet I will never know cause the conviction was never tested. Never was I walking in the park and a random person flashed past me and tattooed me. Alas, we never really do know our values till they are tested. Hence why I now have a tattoo, two tats to be precise. I did not want one, was against them and then one day I was not and wanted one.
When I got my first one I was 30. I came home to visit my parents just after I had it done. Showed my dad to which he replied, "I don't understand. You are 30. What are you rebelling against again?"
"Ah, but isn't it cute? They are frogs"
Now I have a blog, as you know...right?
And as one that has a blog I tend to read other blogs. Some are good, truly. And others, most, are not. It hit me yesterday that the ones that are good...
Good being - to me that is -
Blogs that actually say something, entertain me, keep me there, are honest, not self promoting (well blantantly that is - because hey it is YOUR blog so that kind of covers that area, I believe), and just overall simple, basic.
The ones that are good appear to be blogs where thought and time is put into the entries. not just slapped up there in a few minutes. entries just up to say, "hey look at me! look at me!" I have written several (probably more) that I am sure fall into this category. That is what got me to thinking. I need to spend more time on the thought and writing of each entry. Well maybe not EACH entry but most.
I think I need to give more thought in other words.
Interesting. When I started writing this particular entry I pictured one or two lines telling, saying that I was going to think more and put more into my blog. Huh. It is like the behaviour change has already started. WOW! That doesn't happen me anyway. It feels nice.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
baby steps

I ran after work today. first time in months!. i ran for a little bit. gots to start somewhere. i am out of shape. it felt good. i skipped after i ran. that felt great. i danced and spun around as i listened to my iPod. that was fantastic. i am getting older. and with that comes the realization that each time i get back into exercising it is a wee bit harder, takes longer and feels a tad bit more strained. i always get back though. yes i am getting older. alas, what also comes with that is the realization that i sitll can do it, still get back in shape, if i so choose. oh and i can skip, dance, spin around and sing out loud and truly, absolutely and positively not care what anyone, anything thinks.(lots of deer and other critters here in my hood - well their hood, i am just visiting, technically). and i am not just saying it, i means it! that makes me young. ah ha...i found it! and that is simply brilliant.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Friday, what a day so far!

two pieces of information to share with you today -
1. I quite possibly, figuratively and literally, am falling in love with Lewis Black. I am reading his new book, Me of Little Faith, and loving it. I am laughing out loud on the bus, missing my stop on the bus since so into it, and feeling a real connection to him. He gets me. Where are you Lew? (that is what he calls himself in the book when telling a story - I feel that since I am half way through it we are close enough that I can now call him Lew). Lew, call me. I can easily check your touring schedule on your website to know where you are - but I think it would be better and more healthy for our future relationship if you call me. Starting a romance with a stalking never works. Or so I have read.
2. This morning while getting my coffee at the Express Oasis (said, "OWAAASIS") I glimpsed a headline on a magazine that threw me for a loop da loop! It was an animal lovers magazine. A picture of a very cute kitty on the cover. A close up actually. Nice headshot. And the line was, "Feline Crisis in America; The cat has become a second class citizen"
Let me preface the next statement, my response to seeing this sentence in print (published print)with the following caveat...I love kitty cats. Adore them and quite frankly think they are well, ah, the meow! But ah, "WHAT THE FUCK?"
When did felines become citizens let alone first class and now second class? And this is a dilemna for us? Well of course it is! I am not shocked by that part of it. And now where does that place women, black people in the line of citizenship just as a few examples?
I did not read the article. Had to continue onto work, no time. So the actual crisis or the definition of their now second class citizenship, for now, will remain a mystery to me. I can only imagine, conjure up a story. I am fine with that. Material potential for future sets. "You can use that in your act!" As everyone seems to say to me whenever they have a story to tell me, or a joke. Since we all know that using other people's established jokes or stories is what is acceptable for comedians to do. Ah crap...I got off on a tangent again. Drat. Ok, back to kitties!
Perhaps it is the beginning of a new Republican campaign to find more voters...or we have just finally run out of news, information to write about and the animal magazine is the only news source that is willing to stand up and say it! Push that envelope with your kitty paw! Either way, for whatever reason drove the headline and the article to be written, it made my Friday. Thanks random animal lover magazine.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
hello car 54 where are you?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
so right i am numb.

This is me, my brother, his bowtie and my big mouth out on the town...well he is bartending and i am drinking, on the town.
moving to NC, here, to Chapel Hill, has been so amazing. It has been a long long time since I have made a decision that was so right, so on, and felt so good and healthy. A move that truly started with deciding to move to Virginia, to rest and take a sabatical on the eastern shore, living with my parents. I am awfully grateful. Thanks to all the little people and things for making it happen...those would be,
Angus the big headed red dog, the lovely older couple in Virginia, New York City, credit card companies, ESO Theatre, Amy Ingram, Tasha Space, Heather Goff, the godfather and his lovely baby bird Katherine, beer, pork rinds, coffee, creative property development, Lara Wollman, Nicolle Smith, Kellys Gingernut Pub, First Wednesday Open mic show, tope colored Maxima car, All of Cape Charles, Cape Charles Coffee House, Sierra Nevada (the beer not the location), Nathaniel John, Dave and Duff, Dead Mule Club, The steph aka dirty whore, The Comedy Social, Sophia, Ann C, DSI Theatre, 806 Old Mill Road, Coastal Roast on the shore, the stuffed monkey Earl that lives in my car, The Bear and Cub coffee shop, Tempsations, Bucher, Starbucks, Theron Steiner, Weehawken, Greenwich Village, Judge Craters, Kevin, candles, hope, Dr. Daddy, ECU, french fries, Frasier, Samuel, good genes...and the trait that no matter what is happening, if I am not happy (in a relationship, a location, a job...) i do change. Strive to be happy. I can own that if nothing else. And I DO mean nothing else. Nice. Very nice. I am sure i missed something or someone - you know who you are!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
i am such a slacker

No quotes, no words for some time now. A quick update:
Heading to NYC this Thursday for a wedding in the Brooklyn.
Set at the Cave on last Friday? Outstanding! I hit one out of the park, truly. It felt fantastic. The crowd was on, I was on, the beer was flowing and so was my wit. I don't remember most of it but that I had a blast and we were all laughing. And to think I almost didnt go? I felt poopy pantish but bucked up and went, made a committment sort of dealo! So glad I did.
Moving to my new sweet pad next week. My landlords are fantastic...a second set of parents it is lookin like...but I will have a garden to call my own - all that know me commence shuddering! I will try. I will try. With the way things are going it will be handy to know how to grow my own food.
Thinking about getting a kitty but nowhere near "on the fence" about it. More looking at the fence, on the side of not getting a kitty, and checking the fence out.
Looks like I will be producing again. A variety comedy show in Apex North Carolina. Very excited about it. A over 100 seating theatre, true blue stage and sound system, for reals dressing rooms, and getting paid. That is right! Nice. Stay tuned...
Ah what else? Dabbling in the boy area. Getting my toes wet. Working just fine, just fine, for now.
Day job a rockin still. Septemeber will have health insurance. Can go check out that slight pain in my foot...wait what? there is no pain in my foot, ssshhhh!
Gas prices is going down a tad. My broken toe is finally completely healed.
Kelsey Grammer was hospitalized after feeling faint, just a precaution.
Salmonella now limited to Mexican peppers. University of Florida just rated #1 party school in US. Spencer Taylor of Michigan was arrested while wearing full Joker regalia after he attempted to steal movie posters and memorabillia at a showing of Batman. Really? Low blow dude. And last but not least Oprah does it again! She has divorced kids talking about their pain...
have a day.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
It was great!

Quote for Wednesday, July 23rd
“The greatest stories are those that resonate our beginnings and intuit our endings, our mysterious origins and our numinous destinies, and dissolve them both into one.” - Ben Okri
The Monti was fantastic last spite of me being in it. Wow. I had a great time and my story did pretty well. I got a little teary eyed in the middle of it, forgot a section of it, and then went a tad over my time...but so did all the story tellers. You have to check out this show! it is a gem, a rising star my friends. If you are not on the train now...
i had two glasses of vino to celebrate. but sunday and monday nights? no booze. so hey it seems as if i am actully ahead of the game. nice. bartending this eve and doing a stand up set on Friday. So you know what that means? liver does. It says, "yipppeee, no booze for 48! Nice, very nice." Ah your liver talking to you? time to go. I am out.
Friday, July 18, 2008
A clarification

Quote for Friday, July 18th
“When someone is impatient and says, "I haven't got all day," I always wonder, How can that be? How can you not have all day?” - George Carlin
just a quick clarification....when i say "Hooch" i mean as in Hooch: a colloquial nickname for an illegally distilled corn or grain-based alcoholic beverage, also known as moonshine, PGA (pure grain alcohol), or creek water. It is a general reference to booze. I got tired of using that word over and over. I have not given up drinking creek water since I don't actually drink creek water. I have to say though that if I was in fact drinking creek water I would be completely fine giving it up, for more than two weeks even. Although if you are one that does dabble in the drinking of creek water I suppose the idea of quitting it would not enter your realm. Just a guess.
I did not want to confuse people into thinking I meant any other sort of Hooch than the alcohol kind.
As in...
Turner and Hooch (not booze but a good movie none the less - ah come on you know you watched AND liked it! "what exactly does that do for you?" Turner to Hooch)Hooch's name is actually Beasley.
Or as in the Hooch: a single pont foundation, pre-fabricated tensile structure
OR as in a Hooch: a minor character from Scrubs television show.
Or lastly as in a Pieter de Hooch: a painter during the Dutch Golden Age
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Day Four operation no hooch

Quote for Thursday, July 17th
"That would be a good thing for them to carve on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment” - Dorothy Parker
wow oh wow i slept great last night! Only 6 hours, which actually is a lot for me. It was that sort of sleep where you sleep so solidly, so like in a dream state - not dreaming - and you wake up, sort of, once and think oh no is it really 4:40am? You look and it is something like 1:45am...YES! So excellent. this no hooch dealo is really working well so far. my body feels so rested! by the way, you all know that when this one says, "NO, none, zip zilch" she means "one per day"? Hey me and the cold turkey have never been friends. Wait, don't smirk or call me a player...yet...Because i set in motion the idea in my head, in my routine NO booze for these two weeks I have been very conscious of it all and only HAD one drink a day. And that is the truth! I had a glass of wine Monday night (mostly to clear it out so not to be tempted! - ah...logic may not be my friend either), one beer Tuesday night, half a beer last night (it was skunky smelling so I tossed half of it out), and this eve I will have one brother's new bar is opening so I have to celebrate with him. Technically not his bar as in ownership, name on legal documents, large amount of money invested into...but his sweat and many tears definitely into it and that often counts more, in my book!
Then it is operation "michelle and her The Monti Story" for the weekend. Eat, breath, drink and sleep my story I am telling on Tuesday, July 22nd at The Monti in Chapel Hill.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
day one of operation no hooch for 2 weeks in full swing
Monday, July 14, 2008
my liver, my weight, my wallet

That is the theme for the next two weeks kids.
My liver, my weight, my wallet.
I have a lot coming my way for the next two weeks (all good)and i need to focus, work my butt off and make it all happen, and happen well!
so for the next two weeks (from now till week of July 28th) no booze. I am doing this cause i think i have a problem. I am confident in stating that I don't have a classic alcoholic problem - and i would never make light of such a disease, ever. alas, when it comes to booze, really just beer - been a while since i have done shots, etc on a regular does cause me problems. Oh there are many days I don't drink, i never get up in the morning and drink, and when i drink it is always about happiness or celebration, to relax after work, but i honestly feel not as an escape or due to pressure. But, when I do, the aftermath, the hangover, the next day, causes me to not be productive, get things done and just overall it zaps me. it is the mixture of getting older (not old by any means) and beer that does this to me. my recovery time becomes longer and longer as i add years onto my life. the aftermath of it is my problem.
I just feel that at this time out of my day job, the bar job and writing, performing, and drinking (goin out, socializing) something has to give. And I choose beer.
I have some very fun and important shows this month I want, need to focus on em! That means doing the work (ack!) and getting sleep. When i drink, even just a beer, i don't sleep or sleep well! so there. i said it, wrote it.
my goal? no drinking of the beer or any other alcohol till end of July. I am giving it up for two weeks and see how it goes. I am thinking that maybe i then need to look at caffeine consumption. But that is just too overwhelming to even fathom, today or at all, right now!
I have a wedding to attend the first weekend in August in the BIG Apple, a good friend taking the plunge! A lovely time to celebrate with a beer.
I am excited about this because it will be good for my liver, my weight (I am not fat but the beer does add a few pounds on that if not there would allow me to fit into a few of my jeans...jeans I love and I don't have any extra dough to buy new ones)and it will certianly help my wallet usuage.
ok thanks for reading kids. and if you are around the area check out the following shows where I will be performing -
DSI Comedy Theatre
Carrboro, NC
Thursday, July 17th, 8pm
Stand up spot
Spice Street
Chapel Hill, NC
The Monti
Tuesday, July 22nd, 7:30pm
Telling a story
The Cave
Chapel Hill, NC
Friday, July 25th, 7:30pm
Stand up spot
the blogging may be low over the next few weeks...check my links on this blog for other good stuff to read, blogs to check out.
see ya!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
not much today but...
"Hold the dates!" - Me.
I am doing two shows soon...
A stand up spot at DSI Comedy Theatre in Carrboro
Thursday, July 17th, 8pm
A story telling spot at The Monti in Chapel Hill
Tuesday, July 22nd, 7:30pm
- super excited about this one cool cats!
Then I am doing another stand up set, they say, the headliner, gulp!
At The Cave in Chapel Hill (psst....look to the right for details)
Friday, July 25th, earlish...7pm, 7:03pm....
Just when you think you can't go on and wonder where i am...POOF! There I am performing somewhere. Just stand in your dwelling of living, close your eyes, whisper POOF! and there you will be and there I will be. "Hello!"
If not, go to plan B. Drive, walk, take the bus...see ya there.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
a quick update to my day...
Now? Well I don't want to get depressed, voluntarily!
I like the mice vow to voluntarily drink for 28 days. You had me at, "establishes a casual link..." I mean who doesn't enjoy a casual link every once in a while...or every other 28 days. A thought...isn't 28 days the standard or average length of time for rehab? Ok, now I gots it. I am riding all the wheels now. All you people just off of rehab and want to drink? Maybe you are onto something.
But wait! Then just at the end, so as not to encourage drinking, they wrap it up in a nice little bow, "The study also found that treatment with an antidepressant drug during abstinence prevents the development of depression, a statement says."
Who this hell is this statement dude?
Oh well, all ok, all good again. And just think only a tree was wasted in this story! (tee hee)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008 - 2:56 PM EDT
UNC study links alcohol abstinence with depression
Triangle Business Journal
Cutting back on drinking could possibly lead to feelings of depression, according to findings from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
UNC researchers at the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies announced the results of their study Tuesday. The findings appear online in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology.
Senior study author Clyde Hodge, a psychiatry professor at UNC, says the research "establishes a causal link between abstinence from alcohol drinking and depression." In the study, mice that voluntarily drank alcohol for 28 days exhibited depression-like behavior 14 days after they stopped drinking.
"This research provides the first evidence that long-term abstinence from moderate alcohol drinking - rather than drinking per se - leads to a negative mood state, depression," Hodge wrote in a statement.
UNC researchers postulate that the abstinence from alcohol after drinking somehow impairs the brain's ability to create new nerve cells. Recent studies show that the development of the nerve cells could regulate people's mood; thus, UNC says, impaired creation could lead to feelings of depression.
The study also found that treatment with an antidepressant drug during abstinence prevents the development of depression, a statement says. The authors of the study say their work could help lead to better treatment options for people who quit drinking.
UNC's research was supported by the National Institutes of Health.
some decisions to be made
“I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
I am in the middle of a few things right now.
Decisions to be made – from big ones to very small little ones!
I have to make a decision about a place to live in the fall.
I have found two places. Both have great attributes with small disadvantages.
Truly, not complaining here. I have options and that is wonderful. Yet with options come headaches. Careful what you wish for.
I often think of Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny…he and the lovely Marisa Tomei enter a diner in the small town where he has just arrived to defend his cousin in court. Oil has come to water town – the basic premise of the movie. With a very big dash of funny added!
Anyway…they enter. Sit down. It is a dive. A small town dive diner – ah yum!
Joe asks for the menu.
The greased up rather large older cook hands him a small menu, grunts and turns his back to the couple.
The camera moves down across the menu, giving the audience a view of what it has to offer.
Camera up, Joe’s close up, he says,
“Well I guess I will have the breakfast” Smirk and all.
It might be nice for it to be that simple.
My great “Day job” has real potential to be a career – gulp! Good yes.
A decision to be made? Yes!
Do I work at the bar this eve? – in at 9pm, out at 3am – up at 6am Thursday for full time job.
Tired? Yes. Make money so I can eat out with friends Thursday night? Yes.
If not work, allow more time to work on story for show? Yes. If work, have to work on story after day job, before bar job, cutting out nap? Yes.
Some weighing has to take place. I suppose it is better that life is heavy than not weigh anything at all. Yes. Sigh.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Jesse Helms died on the 4th of July

Quote for Monday, July 7th
“Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things” - George Carlin
Jesse Helms once said in response to North Carolina wanting to build a new Zoo, repair the existing one, in the town of Asheboro, "Well, you don't need to do that. Just put a fence around Chapel Hill and call it the NC Zoo."
Rest in peace Mr. Helms, honestly, I wish you peace and rest.
No hard feelings. I actually like the zoo, always have, always will.
And afterall, Bono liked you...have not always appreciated his music, or been a big ole groupie of U2 overall, yet I do so admire him as a person for his beliefs, convictions and the ability to follow them to the end, for himself and for others.
If you, Jesse, had this cat in your corner well you must have been doing something right. Beliefs, convictions and the strength to follow them to the end has to be admired whether you agree with em or not.
I would say that completes "the three" (Russert, Carlin and Helms) but really don't like groups of three people die every day, all day long, here, everywhere? We just don't know their names and they are not famous.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
4th of July eve
"Books are a narcotic" - Franz Kafka
a day off, a day to read, to relax, do laundry, have a beer, watch USA network, ponder on some story ideas, drink some coffee, rejoice in not taking a shower, savor freedom to do nothing.
Happy day before 4th of July.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
new site to check out
again, really? it is Tuesday already? darg!
“Wha?” – Me, waking up this morning remembering my early morning dream.
I woke up this morning around 4am. Padded off to the bathroom. Sleep peed. Scuffled back to bed. Smiled due to the thought I had two more hours to sleep…well till the snooze ritual was to commence at least. Fell right back to sleep and dreamt the following…
I was on a bus trip to somewhere (been there several times, I like it). Andrew Shue was sitting next to me for the trip. Andrew Shue of Melrose television show fame or you might know him of LA Galaxy Major League soccer team fame. We hit it off, chatting and giggling the entire trip (yes, giggling, not laughing – a difference as you well know). We get there. It is the bus station, old and no longer in existence at this location bus station, in Chapel Hill – where I currently reside…and drink. I put on my coat, Andrew helps me, then pulls out my cross necklace (ah?) that is stuck in my coat. He smiles. I smile. My tummy flips. Me likey. That part of dream then over. Flash forward to me in the streets of NYC, a specific street I recognize but don’t have a name for. There is a movie being made. I am in the middle of it. I am walking through the set. People every where. Noise, loud, like on a set when not filming. Andrew is there, I can sense he is, but I cannot see him. I am walking yet very slowly and I cannot seem to move any faster. I am struggling to take a step, to move down the street. People are whizzing by me. Every one else is in regular motion, speed and I am in definite slow mo. I am unable to get to the end of the street. I then pass, finally, a table of scripts…of the film being made. Then I hear “Feel the vibration” being sung by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Ah, snooze begins. Hit it, open eyes, look around for Andrew, see he is not there, and then…”Wha?”
What does it mean? Well here is what is happening in my life right now…see if this sheds any light…
Transitioning into a new, more responsibility, a tad bit more money job at UNC, looking for an apartment for August, September (just found one that is amazing – no really – but a tad bit more than I want to pay…gulp!), struggling on this book thing, working at a pub a few nights a week so up late causing sleep lose, debt debt debt, boys boys boys….not exercising, eating OK, but not great…
So what does that dream mean? More than likely? Not a damn thing…yet I cannot help but think something. I checked, Andrew is still married and living in LA so a literal translation of that part more than likely not there. I am not in NYC, in a film there currently and I seem to be walking in regular motion today, so far. So no literal on that part. Mmmmm…..maybe, ah, well, no ok ah perhaps….symbolism. Ah I want to be head over heels in love, I am not sure where to live so I am dragging my feet (I did turn down a good place, in my price range with what seemed to be a cool roomie just yesterday), I am not writing as much as I should be, I had a great successful set the other night at a club (has not happened in a long time – and no notes!), I am meeting with a producer of a story telling show, a successful one here locally, this week and I got no ideas - now - and I still truly want to be a live performer yet have not found my niche. Or…I am lacking sleep and it all means nothing at all. Or it is just Tuesday. Yep, that is it more than likely, just a Tuesday. darg!
But...if a Mr. Shue happens to read this and is interested...I am more than willing to re-evaluate my interperation of this dream.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, Monday, a day a day
Friday, June 27, 2008
If you live on the Eastern Shore of Virginia...
“pay what you can” BENEFIT CONCERT
Bring the Family!
June 28, 2008 6 – 10 pm
MR. ‘B’ & the Boys

pssst....he won't be the coast is clear for you to support the arts and have a good time and he will never know!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thursday, still love them even though...
My Thursday you ask?
Growling stomach
large bags under eyes, almost kissing my cheeks bags
3 hours of sleep under my belt
89 bucks richer in my pocket (pulled a bar shift at the Dead Mule Club)
cramps a creeping...I just know it
Material running through my head for set tonight
Humidity hanging on me like a hyper little kid
Broken toe almost healed
New blister on top of other toe from flip flops
Coffee breath
I am pretty sure a pimple developing...inside my nose - really?
thong time as of late to do laundry
Running on fumes
Knowledge I can do this
And you? Have a day.

oh and this is a cat named Michelle
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
no title today, only words
This morning as I got my coffee and bottled water (i buy yet still cannot believe that i pay for water - not angry at the end result that i buy "tap" water in a bottle, more miffed that i did not think of it FIRST...or did something about it first!) I noticed a family eating breakfast in the dining area. I work in a hospital. Before I even saw what they were eating I made an assumption, a judgement I guess you could say, think. From their appearance, stature, I knew they were eating large amounts of eggs, bacon (or some other meat product, maybe multiple other meat products), biscuits, gravy, more than likely drinking a diet soda of some type. As my eyes moved from the family to the food in front of them I was taken aback. it was worse than I suspected. the parents were indeed eating large amounts of the above mentioned items but the kids? one was eating sugar coated, artificial colored gummy worms and the other kid was eating chocolate covered pretzels, both had their hands on a soda product. what the fuck? and we are in a hospital. I know we have a fat problem in this country, we are obese, we don't eat right as a general population, we don't exercise regularly (shit, I walk to the bus every morning, 5 minutes, and that is my exercise - weak!), and all of that crap, but I just could not believe what I saw. I really don't have any commentary on what I saw, but that for I am writing this I suppose is just that, a comment. I am not the best eater that is for sure and to be honest I have been blessed with good metabolism, I am yes what you would call average. I am not my ideal weight yet I am nowhere near overweight, this is true. So I do feel lucky, I guess blessed that I can eat poorly at times and not exercise and still stay relatively thin, well not thin, I am not comfortable saying that word when talking about myself, but I am not fat. That works. I am not fat. I just was so taken aback on what they were eating to start the day off. That the parents were letting it happen. They purchased it for them even. This incidence is not a big deal in the realm of all the world and its problems yes this I know. Yet I cannot help but feel maybe it is indeed a big deal, bigger, more reaching in the result of this small happening in an average day here at the hospital. I paid for my coffee, my bottled water, walked down the stairs to the lobby, sat down, finished my current book, cried at the ending (yes it was good!) and then proceeded off to my office. Another day. Another observation.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
well you ain't no Wednesday, thats for sure
"It's absolutely stupid that we live without an ozone layer. We have men, we've got rockets, we've got saran wrap - FIX IT!!!" - Lewis Black
Tuesday is here.
Uncanny how it arrives directly on the heels of Monday
Etching pictures of events to come upon my brain
Securing a weekend now gone
Demanding a decision for the future ahead
Ackwardly prepelling me forward
Yearning for its partner the big W
Tuesday is here. Tuesday will be gone. Tuesday.
Monday, June 23, 2008
I forgot about this one...had to share

George Carlin - A place for my stuff
Actually this is just a place for my stuff, ya know? That's all, a little place for my stuff. That's all I want, that's all you need in life, is a little place for your stuff, ya know? I can see it on your table, everybody's got a little place for their stuff. This is my stuff, that's your stuff, that'll be his stuff over there.That's all you need in life, a little place for your stuff. That's all your house is: a place to keep your stuff. If you didn't have so much stuff, you wouldn't need a house. You could just walk around all the time. A house is just a pile of stuff with a cover on it. You can see that when you're taking off in an airplane. You look down, you see everybody's got a little pile of stuff. All the little piles of stuff.
And when you leave your house, you gotta lock it up. Wouldn't want somebody to come by and take some of your stuff. They always take the good stuff. They never bother with that crap you're saving. All they want is the shiny stuff. That's what your house is, a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get...more stuff! Sometimes you gotta move, gotta get a bigger house. Why? No room for your stuff anymore.
Did you ever notice when you go to somebody else's house, you never quite feel a hundred percent at home? You know why? No room for your stuff. Somebody else's stuff is all over the goddamn place! And if you stay overnight, unexpectedly, they give you a little bedroom to sleep in. Bedroom they haven't used in about eleven years. Someone died in it, eleven years ago. And they haven't moved any of his stuff! Right next to the bed there's usually a dresser or a bureau of some kind, and there's NO ROOM for your stuff on it. Somebody else's s--- is on the dresser. Have you noticed that their stuff is s--- and your s--- is stuff? God! And you say, "Get that s--- offa there and let me put my stuff down!"
Sometimes you leave your house to go on vacation. And you gotta take some of your stuff with you. Gotta take about two big suitcases full of stuff, when you go on vacation. You gotta take a smaller version of your house. It's the second version of your stuff. And you're gonna fly all the way to Honolulu. Gonna go across the continent, across half an ocean to Honolulu. You get down to the hotel room in Honolulu and you open up your suitcase and you put away all your stuff. "Here's a place here, put a little bit of stuff there, put some stuff here, put some stuff--you put your stuff there, I'll put some stuff--here's another place for stuff, look at this, I'll put some stuff here..." And even though you're far away from home, you start to get used to it, you start to feel okay, because after all, you do have some of your stuff with you.
That's when your friend calls up from Maui, and says, "Hey, why don'tchya come over to Maui for the weekend and spend a couple of nights over here." Oh, no! Now what do I pack? Right, you've gotta pack an even SMALLER version of your stuff. The third version of your house. Just enough stuff to take to Maui for a coupla days. You get over to Maui--I mean you're really getting extended now, when you think about it. You got stuff ALL the way back on the mainland, you got stuff on another island, you got stuff on this island. I mean, supply lines are getting longer and harder to maintain.
You get over to your friend's house on Maui and he gives you a little place to sleep, a little bed right next to his windowsill or something. You put some of your stuff up there. You put your stuff up there. You got your Visine, you got your nail clippers, and you put everything up. It takes about an hour and a half, but after a while you finally feel okay, say, "All right, I got my nail clippers, I must be okay." That's when your friend says, "Aaaaay, I think tonight we'll go over the other side of the island, visit a pal of mine and maybe stay over." Aww, no. NOW what do you pack? Right--you gotta pack an even SMALLER version of your stuff. The fourth version of your house. Only the stuff you know you're gonna need. Money, keys, comb, wallet, lighter, hanky, pen, smokes, rubber and change. Well, only the stuff you HOPE you're gonna need.
From George Carlin, A Place For My Stuff, Brain droppings, 2000.
SourceEvolutionary psychology Humor Traveling light
2003-11-25 Jef Allbright's blog
one word, two words, a few...
"bummer. shitty. unbelievable. stunned. weird." - Michelle, aka Me, reading of this news from Sunday.
I originally said there would be more later...that was a few hours ago. In those hours no new words, insights or revelations really have popped into my head about George Carlin's death. Nothing radical to say, to write lingering on my lips, at the tip of my chewed cuticle bearing fingers. Only one thought that keeps running over and over in my head, "it just doesn't make sense." Its like he is one of those people out there I thought would never die. I do realize that that thought is not based in reality. Still it is a thought that keeps running through my head. I just think he is that sort of person, could never die...and so that has thrown me for a loop. I am not delusional. Just having a delusional thought. There is a difference between being delusional and having a delusional thought. Take my word for it...that is based in fact. Sort of like the difference between skiing and being a skier...
I've read a few other blogs on George today. For as one can imagine, I expected, the comedy world is all a flurry and 100s, 1000s, millions of people are out there today busy posting on this subject. The ones I read so far, all different in content yet similar - enough - in theme or message; sad.
I ran into someone over lunch and we chatted on it for a few minutes. I told him my thought and how I was feeling. That I am in shock and just felt he was one person I thought would never die. I added that I knew that to be a silly emotion, delusional. See it is not so much that I feel sad it is that I feel weird and disoriented. And don't know why or actually if that is how I my friend walked away to go eat his lunch he did say something to me that makes sense and I feel does sum it up, explains a little bit how I do feel.
He said, "Oh no I do understand what you mean, get what you are saying. It's like the world feels like less of a place I want to be in now that he is dead."
Yep. That sounds just about Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits right!
see,, for George's original comedy routine on the Seven Dirty Words
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I love Thursdays

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I don't care who you is, this is funny!

DS Andy Wainwright: You do know there are more guns in the country than there are in the city.
DS Andy Cartwright: Everyone and their mums is packin' round here!
Nicholas Angel: Like who?
DS Andy Wainwright: Farmers.
Nicholas Angel: Who else?
DS Andy Cartwright: Farmers' mums.
I laughed out loud for an extended period of time at this one. Watched this movie last night with my roomies. It is a good one. Highly recommend it!