It's finally here. Fall is in the air. I am so happy. I feel so inspired and rejuvenated! Crisp breeze coming in the window of my bedroom, leaves blowing all around, sleeping soundly through the night with odd dreams that are soon forgotten once awake, getting dressed without sweating, the smell of a gas grill, dogs barking, frogs singing, accorns falling from the trees and crashing on the metal roof outside my bedroom; scaring me to death each time, kids screaming (some random kids - not mine - I assume that somewhere there are kids screaming), bills to be paid, a new job to be found, broken relationship at an end, amoxicillin to take, an entire show to write, therapy to attend, career to focus on...oh wait crap fall is here and I am way behind on it all. Yet still inspired and all seems ok. I love this time of year. All appears possible even if you don't know what ALL is! I took a bath last night with bubbles in it, drank two glasses of red wine, listened to some JT on the cd player(old JT), and I did not need to turn on the fan - I knew fall was on its way. Fall finally arriving is like if that funky, smart and a little bit out there guy friend you met two years ago randomly in a bar in Vermont calls you out of the blue and says, "hey I happen to be traveling through Virginia and I think I'm near your house, wanna go get drunk?" And without hesitation, as you are jumping into your car you squeal, "hell yes!" You two proceed to get smashed, dance by a jukebox, meet and tell people at the one bar in town you are divorced but thinking about getting back together and he has been away in Spain for the last year, you make out perhaps some heavy petting. Then the next day he is gone, off to the next chance town, friend. Yet you're not sad when he leaves, only content and a little bit calmer. You find the next morning you actually do wake up, get up at 6am and write on your show, you take your amoxicillin on time, pay the bills, develop the PR piece for your show, have a lead on a new job, say yes to a date inquiry and ponder just for a moment ok maybe screaming kids, my screaming kids would be kind of sort of cool...someday. Or is fall finally arriving more like a peanut butter and banana sandwich? Happy Fall ya'll!
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