This morning I ate some, all to be truthful, Tom's Pork Skin (chicharrones) B.B.Q flavored...0g total carbs - trans fat per serving...approx. 3.5 per bag...all 3.5 servings went into my belly. Then I had some coffee with irish creme half and half. Then a big glass of water. It is now 3:15pm. I don't feel hungry. Am I full? Nope. Yet no desire to eat food. I am going to reheat my coffee from this morning. I never finish the entire cup. I just sip on it all day long. It is really the closest to commitment I been these days. I just got done reading some blogs and looking at pictures of comedians and actorsI don't know, barely heard of. Not their fault by any means. I have been out of the scene both as a performer and as an audience member for some time now. I find it soothing to get lost in time looking at pictures of people I don't know. I don't know why I do it that is all I know. It is a cloudy sort of humid threatening to rain but you know it is not going to sort of Saturday. I am going to turn off the AC and open the doors, maybe A window. I will be right back. That's nice. After my second job last night I went to the local pub in town. I was tired and desired a cold brew. I had three. Met up with some friends. Met some very extremely hard to believe that they were standing up drunk old guys that were exuding the gay vibe but verbally denied it all night. Even as one danced the shag with me (don't ask how I know how I just do. Just part of growing up in North Cackalackie aka Carolina...oh and they drove up blasting "Oh Sweet Caroline" on their boom box in the back of the car I mean van). I love gay people, all people, well most heteros but if you are something why not just be it? How dare I ask that actually! Even in a small town it is cool. Oh well...then I said goodbye to the friends, the two guys that asked myself and the guy I am dating if we were brother and sister, a first and I got to tell you I hope a last and I was back in my car heading north back home. Slipped in between my sheets about 2am. Zonked out till 9am or so this morning. Got ready, got in my car aka my mom's car - my bro is back on the shore for a visit - stopped for coffee and pork rinds (the very items mentioned earlier) and headed to my second job. Full circle and here I am. I am out of here in 15 minutes. Off to a shore party, fundrasier sort of gig I am volunteering at. Oh boy what a life I do lead. Or should I say follow? Yes. That sounds more appropriate. I need to talk to my BF, I need to focus on my career, I need to start running again, I need to get focused and collect some shit and place in piles. Alas I think what I will do before I go is well sure check out some blogs, maybe click on some pictures with funny quip descriptions underneath of people in places I don't either recognize, know or have been...wait are those home grown and made pickles I just saw in the frig?
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