It seems official now - Heath and Michelle are indeed splitting up. Well they gave a good go of it; three years. Tough. That Hollywood is a mean and ruff place it seems. But never fear my dear Heath I am on the way to Venice even as my three loyal yet misguided blog readers are now reading. I was able to catch a flight that leaves this evening. My shoulder will be available for tear catching by tomorrow afternoon. Then after tears I recommend some cold brews, a few lemon drop shots and all will be fine. No need to change any initialed towels or silver platters. I too spell my name with two Ls so all is good to go. Then we jet back to the eastern shore of Virginia (where as you all know is now not only for lovers but we live passionately!) I am sure Heath will have no problem on the eastern shore. People here are very welcoming. Especially for celebrity types. I should know. When I came here I was very well received by the shore public. They made me feel right at home. I can see it now. Sitting out on the screened in porch, sipping on gin and tonics, eating clams and laughing it up with Mr. Ledger. I hope my parents won't mind. I am sure they will be fine. Afterall, what is one more mouth to feed?
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