I woke up this morning, fully rested, at around 7am...without an alarm. Refreshing and wonderful. The air is crisp and smells clean today. Fall is just around the corner, just outside the front door and today it feels as if anything is possible. No television, no radio, no newspaper. Only me, a dog, coffee and the sun sparkling on the creek. A few days ago I saw a paper weight on someone's desk that stated, "What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail?" I have this same paper weight somewhere. Packed away in storage, settled, nestled at the bottom of one of many of the plastic boxes a year now forgotten since here on the shore. I remember packing it away amongst other items I somehow deemed not necessary for the next chapter in my life. When I saw this paper weight on someone elses desk I did not think of any answers and that got me to thinking. And since that interaction with myself and a saying I have still not come up with any answers. Then this morning as I came to the end of my second cup of coffee and finished another chapter in one of the three books I am currently reading - I like to read in groups. I feel it adds to each one. A certian sort of new element to each is added individually because of the group - a thought entered into my head. Not what would I do if I knew I wouldn't fail but what would I do if it was just me and not anyone else, anything else around me. No insatiable desire to know what Paris Hilton had for breakfast, no Entertainment Tonight television shows, people in rehab and I DON't know about it, just my friends, family, beer, paper, pen, books, water, boats, fish and time. What would I do? Now there is a statement for a paper weight, a question worth pondering and finding the, all the answers to.
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